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[News] How Microsoft Fans/Partners/Shills Defend the Abusive Monopolist

  • Subject: [News] How Microsoft Fans/Partners/Shills Defend the Abusive Monopolist
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 12:21:25 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Anatomy of the Irrational Microsoft User Response

,----[ Quote
| Analysis of a typical response
| The exchange always seems to go like this:
|     FOSS advocate: Microsoft is doing [some business strategy], which is bad, 
|     because [some negative effect on the FOSS community, the user community 
|     or society].  
|     Microsoft fan: Have you tried [insert some random Microsoft product 
|     name]? It's excellent! But you don't see that because for you it's only 
|     Linux/FOSS. You obviously hate Microsoft (or Bill Gates, or Steve 
|     Balmer). (Sometimes thrown in: Microsoft worked hard for its market 
|     share, why should they not take advantage of it? You FOSS people are 
|     communists and don't like the free-market.)     



,----[ Quote ]
|   Message-ID:   <vckav4-65t.ln1@xxxxxxxxxx>
|   From:   "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx>
|   Newsgroups:   comp.os.linux.advocacy
|   Subject:   Typical Troll responses...
| COLA:  Microsoft has a monopoly.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Vista lacks drivers.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft wasted 6 years and 10 billion dollars on a lemon.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  The Xbox scratches discs, crashes and catches fire.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft deliberately sells the Xbox at a loss, just to undercut
|        its competition.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  The Zune is ugly and restrictive.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Ballmer makes unsubstantiated allegations against Linux.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  OneCare deletes Emails but doesn't catch viruses.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft coerces OEMs to exclude Linux.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft bribes ISO members and corrupts the standards process.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  The Gates Foundation is a money laundering operation for MS.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft wanted to "knife the baby" at Apple.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft wanted to "tilt lotus into the death spiral".
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Ballmer threatened to "fucking kill Google".
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft deploys "stealth updates".
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft forced OEMs to keep Netscape off the desktop.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft accused Google of "reading your Emails".
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft accused Google of monopolising advertising, after it
|        tried and failed to do the same thing.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft uses shill journalists to spread anti-Linux FUD.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft spreads lies through advertising on Linux web sites.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft bought IIS Web share via GoDaddy to improve it's stats
|        via parked domains.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft pays "annalists" to create misleading reports on market
|        trends.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft employs market researchers like "Penn, Schoen & Berland
|        Associates" to spread FUD about Linux.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft uses shell companies like SCO and IP Innovations LLC to
|        damage Linux with litigation.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft has destroyed the BBC.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft has corrupted the British National Archives.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft divided the Linux community with a protection racket.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft lied about DirectX 10 not working with XP.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Windows is buggy, bloated and insecure.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft lies about the vulnerabilities in its products.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft Excel has serious computational flaws.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft Outlook and Exchange are buggy and break standards.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft has corrupted the Web with broken standards.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft employed "munchkins" to destroy IBM OS2/Warp.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft stockholders invade newsgroups to criticise rival
|        products, so as to protect their investments.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| COLA:  Microsoft are willing to lose money for years and years just to
|        make sure that you don't make any money, either.
| TROLL: Microsoft makes lots of money.
| Conclusion: It's "OK" to be criminal thugs that produce Slopware and
| break standards, then force said products onto unsuspecting victims
| using bribery and corruption ... as long as you make lots and lots of
| money is the process.
| So the award for the World's Most Successful Crime Syndicate goes to ...
| Microsoft. Sorry, there's no money awarded in this prize (and therefore
| it has no value) because there's no money left anywhere - Microsoft took
| it all. Congratulations.
| Meanwhile, the rest of us engage in something other than the mindless
| and obsessive pursuit of money, and actually create software (rather
| than just buy it from another company then claim it as "innovation").
| Yes, unbelievably there are actually some people in the world who still
| believe in integrity, and not just "getting it out the door as quick as
| possible, before the stockholders become restless". Microsoft is not a
| software company; it's a stock trader, a reseller, an IP harvester, it's
| basically nothing but a big warehouse filled with the legacy of others'
| work, bought wholesale by Microsoft, and sold off at auction.
| Yes, Microsoft make lots of money. Lots and lots and lots.
| And that is all they do make.
| So you can be sure that whatever technical argument you ever have
| against Windows, or for Linux, will always illicit a predictable
| response from the stockholders ... ahem, I mean Trolls, just don't
| expect it to be relevant ... to anyone but a stockbroker.
| Here endeth the lesson.

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