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AISE Stats: 27/02/2008-04/02/2008

  �  Times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +0:00

  �  Statistics span a period of approximately 7 days
     and are automatically generated every Tuesday

  �  Subject line formatted consistently "AISE Stats: <DATES>"

  �  Killfile <subject contains "AISE Stats: "> if uninterested
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 179 messages written between 2008-02-27 05:38:30 and
2008-03-04 21:57:40

Quoters (includes people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. Big Bill <bill@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                  19  77.19%
   2. Ed Jay <edMbj@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                   6  77.03%
   3. nully <null@xxxxxxxxx>                                        6  76.67%
   4. Ryan P. <rpaque@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                   3  72.55%
   5. Tonnie Lubbers <t.prasing@xxxxxxxxx>                          3  68.98%
   6. Jerry Stuckle <jstucklex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       6  68.77%
   7. Blinky the Shark <no.spam@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        4  67.76%
   8. N Cook <diverse8@xxxxxxxxx>                                   3  61.89%
   9. 1001 Webs <1001webs@xxxxxxxxx>                               17  54.65%
  10. Mike Barnard <m.barnard.trousers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>             4  52.58%
  11. John Bokma <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                            19  47.23%
  12. Adrienne Boswell <arbpen@xxxxxxxxx>                           6  44.15%
  13. Mike..... <mikebclothing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 12  35.72%
  14. itsmeinnit <nil@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                 3  34.84%
  15. Paul <customerservices@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    11  24.59%

A total of 198737 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 95518, or
48.06%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Big Bill <bill@xxxxxxxxxxx>                          19    20783  77.2%
      John Bokma <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    19    18055  47.2%
   3. 1001 Webs <1001webs@xxxxxxxxx>                       17    39843  54.6%
   4. Mike..... <mikebclothing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         12     5177  35.7%
   5. Paul <customerservices@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            11     9183  24.6%
   6. Andrew Heenan <andrew3@xxxxxxxxxx>                   10     6262  22.9%
   7. Adrienne Boswell <arbpen@xxxxxxxxx>                   6     8983  44.2%
      Jerry Stuckle <jstucklex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>               6     7115  68.8%
      Ed Jay <edMbj@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                           6     6470  77.0%
      nully <null@xxxxxxxxx>                                6     6002  76.7%
  11. Mike Barnard <m.barnard.trousers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     4     3100  52.6%
      Blinky the Shark <no.spam@xxxxxxxxxxx>                4     2531  67.8%
      canadafred <canadian_web@xxxxxxxxxxx>                 4      545
  14. FreeAdvertisingFreeAdvertising@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx         3    12285
      N Cook <diverse8@xxxxxxxxx>                           3     3994  61.9%

A total of 48 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least
three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. FreeAdvertisingFreeAdvertising@xxxxxxxxxxxx 12285 /    3 =  4095
   2. 1001 Webs <1001webs@xxxxxxxxx>              18069 /   17 =  1062  54.6%
   3. Adrienne Boswell <arbpen@xxxxxxxxx>          5017 /    6 =   836  44.2%
   4. Paul <customerservices@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    6925 /   11 =   629  24.6%
   5. N Cook <diverse8@xxxxxxxxx>                  1522 /    3 =   507  61.9%
   6. John Bokma <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            9527 /   19 =   501  47.2%
   7. Andrew Heenan <andrew3@xxxxxxxxxx>           4828 /   10 =   482  22.9%
   8. Jerry Stuckle <jstucklex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>      2222 /    6 =   370  68.8%
   9. Mike Barnard <m.barnard.trousers@thunderin.  1470 /    4 =   367  52.6%
  10. Ryan P. <rpaque@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>   995 /    3 =   331  72.6%
  11. Tonnie Lubbers <t.prasing@xxxxxxxxx>          991 /    3 =   330  69.0%
  12. Premier Web Entrepreneur <fr41w1@xxxxxxxxx>   848 /    3 =   282
  13. Mike..... <mikebclothing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  3328 /   12 =   277  35.7%
  14. Big Bill <bill@xxxxxxxxxxx>                  4740 /   19 =   249  77.2%
  15. Ed Jay <edMbj@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                  1486 /    6 =   247  77.0%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. And the Winner is ... Google                                101  120708
   2. google goes to wrong page                                    22   19383
   3. searchengines no longer indexing some of my files             9    9300
   4. Free 7 days course to Complete Search Engine Domination       5    1714
   5. Reciprocal links and SEO                                      4    4559
      Redirect                                                      4    4532
      can I use flash movie in my site                              4    1831
   8. Google 'improves' mobile search                               3    1706
      Top Income Earner Looking to work 1 on 1!                     3     848
  10. Zugbo - www.FreeAdvertisingFreeAdvertising.com                2    5012
      sell wow gold,sell wow cdkey,wow gold trade                   2    2024
      Build Online System for your Business!                        2     568
      Searching in google                                           2     331
  14. MAKE EASY MONEY !!! NO SCAM !!!                               1    9724
      Zygit - www.FreeAdvertisingFreeAdvertising.com                1    4095

A total of 29 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. Forte Agent                            55
       1.91/32.564:11 3.0/32.763:12 3.3/32.846:7 4.2/32.1117:6 4.2/32.1118:19
   2. G2                                     44
   3. Xnews                                  25
       2006.03.14:6 2006.08.24:19
   4. Microsoft Outlook Express              16
       5.00.2615.200:3 6.00.2900.3138:13
   5. Thunderbird                   14
   6. XanaNews                                8
   7. Pan                                     4
   8. 40tude_Dialog                           2
      Thunderbird                     2
      Thunderbird                    2
      Microsoft Windows Mail                  2
  12. Forte Free Agent                        1
      THOR 2.6a                               1
      Thunderbird                     1

A total of 14 different programs (not counting different versions) were

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday       35 ************************************************************
Tuesday      24 *****************************************
Wednesday     9 ***************
Thursday     18 ******************************
Friday       33 ********************************************************
Saturday     26 ********************************************
Sunday       34 **********************************************************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059     9 *************************
0100-0159     2 *****
0300-0359     2 *****
0400-0459     1 **
0500-0559     8 **********************
0600-0659     5 **************
0700-0759     4 ***********
0800-0859     7 ********************
0900-0959    12 **********************************
1000-1059    16 *********************************************
1100-1159     6 *****************
1200-1259     5 **************
1300-1359    10 ****************************
1400-1459     7 ********************
1500-1559    21 ************************************************************
1600-1659    13 *************************************
1700-1759     9 *************************
1800-1859     5 **************
1900-1959     4 ***********
2000-2059     5 **************
2100-2159    11 *******************************
2200-2259     9 *************************
2300-2359     8 **********************


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