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[News] Huge Blow to OOXML in India: Loses 13 to 5 (Microsoft Briberies Unfruitful)

  • Subject: [News] Huge Blow to OOXML in India: Loses 13 to 5 (Microsoft Briberies Unfruitful)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 13:35:21 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Breaking News: India's Final Vote On MS Office File Standard Is 'NO'

,----[ Quote ]
| Sources tell tech2.com that with 13 Against, 1 Abstain and 5 For, the 
| technical committee entrusted with deciding whether Microsoft-backed OXML 
| format will be accepted, has stuck by its earlier decision.   


Despite the fiasco, maybe bribery. See links at the bottom. Hard times in New
Zealand as well:

Microsoft NZ head warns of OOXML no vote

,----[ Quote ]
| According to ISO's own website, it became apparent during its February 
| meeting in Geneva that it was not possible for all comments raised by 
| participating nations to be reviewed individually so a voting procedure to 
| decide the proposed modifications was agreed to.   
| "A total of 43 resolutions, involving dispositions or groups of dispositions, 
| were accepted, most of them unanimously, some by consensus and only four by 
| simple majority; four were refused."  
| InternetNZ executive director Keith Davidson continued, "ODF appears to be 
| the suitable generic international standard. Endorsing another standard such 
| as OOXML could threaten the open and interoperable tenets on which the 
| Internet is built.   
| "We urge Standards New Zealand and other national standards bodies worldwide 
| to vote against adoption of OOXML."  



Microsoft influencing partner NGOs to support OOXML in India

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is encouraging its business partners to promote its Office Open XML 
| specification (OOXML) to the Indian Bureau of Standards (BIS) and Ministry of 
| IT. This move has incensed supporters of the rival OpenDocument Format (ODF) 
| who fear that the "soft" Indian state may not be able to stand up to 
| Microsoft pressure tactics.    


Microsoft India using NGOs to fake support for OOXML


Becoming a better company: Microsoft helps NGOs in India

,----[ Quote ]
| Of course, there has to be some trade-offs, because there should never be 
| free lunch, even for the ones who starve: Microsoft, according to this 
| article, has conditioned its help to Indian NGOs to their support of OOXML. 
| What the NGOs had to do was to send letters of support on OOXML to the 
| federal government of India.    


Microsoft "persuades" NGOs to support OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| Our friends at Linux Delhi have put up a copy of the form letters that 
| Microsoft has been sending NGOs on the OOXML issue. Apparently, these NGOs 
| have been sending copies of these letters to the Ministry of IT and Bureau of 
| Indian standards.    


Developers around the world, unite!

,----[ Quote ]
| Monopoly and proprietary software have an advantage in influencing state and 
| governmental institutions because of their large market base and ready 
| capital. Unscrupulous ways of influencing state governments have persisted in 
| India, for example, where executives of proprietary software cajole 
| government heads to promote their brands in lieu of some form of charity 
| given. FLOSS activists must overcome this huge challenge in order to get 
| their philosophy accepted and model implemented for the good of people who 
| are still on the barren side of the digital divide.       


Using NGOs to Push Agendas

,----[ Quote ]
| The extent to which Microsoft can go in its efforts to get OOXML is
| interesting. Microsoft has "persuaded" several non-profit organizations to 
| bombard the Indian IT Secretary and the Additional Director General of the 
| Bureau of Indian Standards with letters supporting its OOXML proposal. A copy 
| of the form letter they have been circulating to NGOs is given below. 
| Somebody should interview these NGOs to see how much they really know about 
| OOXML and open standards.      
| The sequence of events leading up to the spamming of GoI? is:
| Letter from an NGO thanking Microsoft (name changed to protect their
| identity) 


Evidence of Microsoft issuing money to tens of thousands to Indian charities
just days before the vote here:


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