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[News] Common Misconceptions About What Makes Free Softare So Great

  • Subject: [News] Common Misconceptions About What Makes Free Softare So Great
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 02:42:39 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Grokking open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Another common question asked of open source software is simply “How can it 
| be any good?” After all, what type of programmer gives away his or her code? 
| And surely it’s only supported in a lame way, on nights and weekends if even 
| that. Not to mention that it can never be innovative; surely open source 
| developers are just copying what’s already out there – they’re not working to 
| break whole new ground. Right?     
| Wrong. These questions may, possibly, make some logical or pragmatic or 
| business-oriented sense. Yet, a fundamental aspect has escaped. The open 
| source community are passionate and ideological. They share a set of values 
| for which they feel strongly. The people who question why open source 
| developers do the things they do ask these questions because they do not 
| really understand what matters to the open source world.     



Flipping the Linux switch: Myths about Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| There are a lot of funny, preconceived notions about Linux (and Linux users). 
| Some ideas fall in to the realm of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt). Some ideas 
| have an inkling of truth to them, and have grown and mutated into full 
| fledged myths. Sort of like how Vlad the Impaler became Dracula, but with a 
| lot less violence and a lot more compiling.    
| Some of the myths may even be stopping you from trying Linux. You want to try 
| it, sure... but it's too hard or can't do what you need or you're not a 
| hacker.  
| Let's lay some myths to rest today. Pitchforks, torches and garlic are 
| optional. 
| Myth: Linux is hard.
| [...]
| Myth: If it's free (in cost), there must be something wrong with it.
| [...]
| Myth: Linux users are anti-Microsoft.
| [...]
| Myth: Linux can't handle multimedia files.
| [...]
| Myth: Linux means re-installing my whole system. If I hate it... Then what?


Top 5 Linux Myths

,----[ Quote ]
| The sheer ignorance regarding casual Linux users astounds me to no end. While 
| I'm not interested in pointing fingers, there is a lot of misinformation 
| about the Linux community, and we will help to dispel some of these myths, 
| once and for all.   
| 1. Linux Users Are Cheap. Ah, this is one of my favorites. It seems that 
| Linux users have long since been seen as cheap, despite the fact that so many  
| of them in the States earn up to six figures. First, define cheap? Are we 
| cheap because we choose not to buy brand new everything with every release of 
| our selected OS?   


The commie smear against open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Because proprietary companies will always spend more of their
| money on marketing than open source outfits, it pops up regularly
| in the best of places, such as at Time Magazine recently. Or
| Microsoft sends CEO Steve Ballmer to London, so he can rant
| about how his lawyers are going to make all Linux users pay
| Microsoft for their stuff.
| It's nonsense.
| This is not "the gift economy," as Justin Fox calls it in Time.
| This is people taking advantage of the fact that the Internet
| has no distribution costs, which means marketing costs can
| also sink to zero. No ads in Time doesn't make you a communist.


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