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Re: Microsoft: IBM was the only company we couldn't bribe at ECMA

____/ Ramon F Herrera on Tuesday 18 March 2008 02:26 : \____

>> He noted that IBM was the only representative to vote against making OOXML a
>> standard at Ecma International, another Europe-based standards body.
> http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6159305.html
> -RFH

The way it all works is simple: Microsoft offers Adobe some free
contract/whatever around Flash/Windows/whatever and in return a company like
Adobe does something for Microsoft. It's the same with Apple.

That's how they do business and sadly enough it renders the standards bodies
paralysed, almost obsolete.

If you want to find the briberies, look for exchange of favours which basically
screws everyone except two companies.

Microsoft is very sophisticated with its kickbacks. If it does not use a proxy
like BayStar (for SCO), then it disguises the payment in one form or another
(marketing help, free fancy trips to Washington, high-paying consulting
contracts...). There are many examples to demonstrate this. It just ought to
be pointed out where it happens.

                ~~ Best of wishes

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