____/ [H]omer on Monday 17 March 2008 11:48 : \____
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Yesterday, in BN.com, someone brought it to my attention that Novell
>> has the ability to change Mono licensing
> Yes. I confronted de Icaza about that directly, in Message-ID:
> <u1au95-cbn.ln1@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> [quote]
> "When a developer contributes code to the C# compiler or the Mono
> runtime engine, we require that the author grants Novell the right to
> relicense his/her contribution under other licensing terms.
> This allows Novell to re-distribute the Mono source code to parties that
> might not want to use the GPL or LGPL versions of the code.
> Particularly embedded system vendors obtain grants to the Mono runtime
> engine and modify it for their own purposes without having to release
> those changes back."
> This would essentially preclude anyone from protecting their
> contributions, to the core of Mono, from being exploited in such a way
> that destroys the intended freedom of that contribution. Effectively,
> this is a GPL circumvention device, in the vein of Tivoisation.
> That does not seem at all consistent with the principles of Free Software.
> [/quote]
> Needless to say, I never did get a response from de Icaza. I don't think
> there /can/ be any response, other than dumping Mono.
>> Guess who produly wrote an article about Mono last night (promoting
>> MonoDevelop)? Maureen O'Gara, the woman who loves SCO and does
>> crusades.
> Ah yes. Here's what Wiki-P has to say about Maureen O'Partner(sic):
> [quote]
> During the first week of May 2005, Maureen O'Gara, a writer for Linux
> Business News, wrote an exposé aiming to unmask Pamela Jones. The
> article included alleged but unverified personal information about
> Jones[12] including a photo of Jones' supposed house and purported
> addresses and phone numbers for Jones and her mother. After a flood of
> emailed complaints to the publisher, lobbying of the site's advertisers,
> and claims of a denial-of-service attack launched against the Sys-Con
> domain, Linux Business News' publisher Sys-Con issued a public apology,
> and dropped O'Gara and her LinuxGram column. G2 Computer Intelligence, a
> news publication company owned by O'Gara, appears in bankruptcy filings
> as a creditor[18] of SCO Operations, a subsidiary of The SCO Group.
> [/quote]
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groklaw
> This MO looks chillingly familiar. I wonder if Maureen O'Partner is
> actually flatfish? S/h/it does claim to be female, after all.
That's slander in Wikipedia. There was never a DDOS attack. Even Sys-Con said
it was a lie.
~~ Best of wishes
Roy S. Schestowitz | "Error, no keyboard - press F1 to continue"
http://Schestowitz.com | GNU is Not UNIX | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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