Jesper Lund Stocholm <jls2008@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Hadron <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in
> news:frgc0e$i0d$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>> Jesper Lund Stocholm <jls2008@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in
>>> news:15tma5-ath.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>>>> Erik's done a good job as usual, of changing the subject. So I'll
>>>> ask the question again:
>>>> Jesper, why are you in a Linux Advocacy group?
>>> Because it is a way for me to sharpen my arguments elsewhere?
>>> Would you rather have me leave - and why? It seems to me that e.g.
>>> the vast majority of posts from Roy are clearly FOSS/Linux-related -
>>> but are really not advocating Linux. Would you rather have him leave
>>> as well?
>>> Is the reason I am asked to leave that I support OOXML in ISO?
>> Mark Kent is a Microsoft Partner. Possibly he wants to be the OOXML
>> expert here?
> Yeah - I just noticed the thread with the exposure of Mark Kent - it was
> hard to keep a straight face.
> Personally I am glad it came out - it really shows that a Microsoft partner
> status of one's employer does not necesarily imply being bribed by
> Microsoft.
> I also hope we can get back to "business" and stop the personal attacks.
There is NO chance of that as the COLA "advocates" live by lies. They do
not like the truth so they shoot those of us actually recognise the
faults in Linux and OSS and want to improve it.
Roy is, of course, a liar and a fraud. And now we find that Mark Kent is
a liar and a hypocrite who despite claiming there is no such as IPR,
actually utilises that to make money in his Microsoft related business.
Spamming COLA for years : shillgeld.
Signing on while at Uni : a few quid.
Living at home in mothers basement : thrifty.
Getting caught propagating Viruses to windows machines which visit your revenue generating website: Priceless!