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Re: Threats (Subversive and Otherwise) to GNU/Linux Growth

Rick wrote:
On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 22:17:36 +0000, Rick wrote:

linux today (linuxtoday.org) has a link to the above titled article. I
was somewhat surprised to see who the author is.

One of our resident trolls accused my of being sneaky because I did not include a direct link to the above mentioned article. He always seems to think every one else is being dishonest... I guess that says something about him.

It would be better if you wouldn't act like an ape.

Well, gee... if didn't occur to me to post a specific link at the time. I was reading linux today, so thats what I mentioned. Beeg Deel...

Such a bid deal that you made up crap about me.

Anyway, here's the the direct link.

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