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Re: [News] Europe Pressured to Drop Patent-encumbered Protocols

____/ Mark Kent on Tuesday 11 March 2008 14:01 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Commission to exclude free software from public administrations
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| An MEP has written a question on the use of patented standards within
>>| public administrations. The position of the DG Enterprise is definitely to
>>| prefer RAND patented standards, and exclude free software from public
>>| administrations.
>> `----
> As RAND is neither reasonable nor it it non-discriminatory, the letter
> from Raül Romeva i Rueda is a fine start to exposing this particular
> problem.  I anticipate a flurry of "lobbying" to start as a result of
> this;  presumably, someone from the Commission will be out to explain to
> us just why paying Royalties to foreign companies helps us...
Brussels is a lost cause almost because it's flooded by lobbyists. Ballmer is
now flirting with the Belgian prince as a matter of fact (I posted about this

Trust me, if I wasn't writing so much, I wouldn't get back to programming as a
way of contributing for the same reason that people like Lessig don't decide
to help the cause by singing and producing free albums. The more I look into
standards, software, patents, the more I'm convinced that it has a lot to do
with sheer corruption. That -- and mainly that -- may be the thing to focus
on, especially when the Internet gives some distant peepholes into the
corruption (usually leaks or blogs). The hope is that openness will expose the
broken state of the system and provide names of people who are guilty, so
there is hope for change.

Microsoft, by the way, is like the mafia. It pays proxies to do its dirty jobs
secretly. Now more than ever before? At least it doesn't do those jobs with

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz     | Kernel panic - more exciting than being /.'ted
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