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[News] Linux on Top on NTFS Despite Microsoft's "F**k with Peers" Attitude

  • Subject: [News] Linux on Top on NTFS Despite Microsoft's "F**k with Peers" Attitude
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 15:34:42 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Communicating With the Other Half: NTFS Support in Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Unfortunately, Microsoft has kept many of the internal details of NTFS 
| secret, and the filesystem has changed with each new version of Windows. The 
| secrecy makes it difficult for third parties, and particularly for open 
| source developers, to write reliable NTFS drivers. In the case of a file 
| system, an unreliable driver can translate into lost data, so NTFS support 
| (particularly read/write NTFS support) has been slow in coming to Linux.     
| Fortunately, this picture is beginning to change, with several NTFS drivers 
| now available for Linux. These drivers enable you to read from, and even to 
| write to, NTFS partitions, including removable media formatted with NTFS. If 
| you dual-boot between Linux and Windows, this will enable you to eliminate 
| any FAT partition you might otherwise use for data exchange. Even if you 
| don’t let Windows near your hard disks, NTFS support will enable you to read 
| removable disks that others have formatted with NTFS.      



Entire city of Vista users can't access the internet

,----[ Quote ]
| Lundis Energi blamed Microsoft because Vista has got a bug and it isn't going 
| to change the configuration of the server just to cope with the flaw. 


FLOSS Weekly 14: Jeremy Allison of Samba

,----[ Quote ]
| 'In the section of the interview from around 33m30s to 39m00 Jeremy
| Allison reports how he was told that the Microsoft team implementing
| SMB2 were ordered to "f**k with Samba".'
`----                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Longhorn server and Ubuntu do they still play together?

,----[ Quote ]
| There real question however is can linux boxes still join and
| authenticate against Active Directory domains running at Native
| Longhorn Server levels. Well the answer a non surprising NO!


Details trickle out about EC Vista probe

,----[ Quote ]
| The Commission said earlier this month that it
| does have concerns about Microsoft Vista but
| declined to give full details of those concerns
| because of the "delicate legal situation"
| surrounding the Vista anticompetition debate.
| Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes discussed
| the situation with Microsoft's chief executive,
| Steve Ballmer, in August, when she warned that
| the Commission could not give Vista a "green
| light" before it was launched.


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