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[News] Another "Wow" Worthy Demo of KDE 4's Latest Build

  • Subject: [News] Another "Wow" Worthy Demo of KDE 4's Latest Build
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 05:44:28 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
KDE 4 rev 790000: Better stability and performance

,----[ Quote ]
| This is another revision of the development version of KDE 4 environment. 
| Lots of you have asked why it took me so long to publish this article. Well, 
| I was just waiting for rev 790000, that’s all. I hope that your curiosity 
| will be satisfied since there’s been a lot of changes to describe this time. 
| I did my best.    



Compare to proprietary alternatives:

A look at SCO Unixware 7.1.3

,----[ Quote ]
| So, you know, SCO has been suing various people in the Linux community for 
| the last few years, claiming that some code in Linux was stolen from them. 
| So, I’m willing to bet that a lot of people were wondering: what exactly is 
| SCO UnixWare? Well. Have I got a treat for you. Thanks to this wonderful 
| thing called the Internet, you too, can experience SCO UnixWare in it’s full 
| glory.     


Yuck. Proprietary software seems doomed.


KDE 4.1: Visual Changelog (rev 783000)

,----[ Quote ]
| You don’t always see this in the official changelogs but the KDE 4 
| development is progressing in an extraordinary speed. After a deep look at 
| rev 777000 we are presenting you a new visual review of changes made to KDE 4 
| during the last couple of weeks.   


Matthias Ettrich: The KDE-Man!

,----[ Quote ]
| Nobody in their right mind would choose Windows over GNU/Linux based on the 
| desktop experience alone, says Matthias Ettrich. 


Plasma Themes Contest

,----[ Quote ]
| The KDE Plasma team is inviting everyone to participate in a contest to 
| create Plasma themes from which a select few will be chosen to be included as 
| a part of the upcoming KDE 4.1 release. This is a great opportunity to 
| contribute to a very visible component of the KDE project, the Plasma 
| desktop.     



French police deal blow to Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| The French paramilitary police force said Wednesday it is ditching Microsoft 
| for the free Linux operating system, becoming one of the biggest 
| administrations in the world to make the break.  


Federal Employment Office switches to Linux


Nortel considers Linux desktops for its staff

,----[ Quote ]
| Nortel CIO Steve Bandrowczak, who joined the Canadian telecoms and network 
| equipment vendor last July, said "more and more CIOs are looking at Linux 
| desktop for reasons of TCO" and argued that the technology "is receiving the 
| same level of attention today as when Linux started on servers."    


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