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[News] [SOT] All Your ISPs, Connections Are Belong [sic] to the RIAA?

  • Subject: [News] [SOT] All Your ISPs, Connections Are Belong [sic] to the RIAA?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 05:36:11 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Jim Griffin says ISP music tax only one possibility

,----[ Quote ]
| Pundits, music-industry insiders and members of the public are bashing Warner 
| Music Group exec Jim Griffin after he acknowledged in a interview that he is 
| working on a plan to collect music fees from consumers via their ISP bills.  



RIAA boss: Move copyright filtering from ISPs to users’ PCs

,----[ Quote ]
| The issue of encryption "would have to be faced," Sherman admitted after 
| talking about the wonders of filtering. "One could have a filter on the end 
| user's computer that would actually eliminate any benefit from encryption 
| because if you want to hear [the music], you would need to decrypt it, and at 
| that point the filter would work."    


Copyright Extensions and ISP Filtering: Breaking EU Culture, One Amendment at a

,----[ Quote ]
| As you may recall, the European Parliament's forthcoming report on the 
| Cultural Industries has become the latest target of lobbying by the recording 
| industry. First, they attempted to insert language that advocated that 
| European ISPs filter and block their own users on the basis of suspected 
| infringement. As we explained to European Members of Parliament, such 
| policies would not only harm the privacy and security of Net users - they 
| would not even work to combat infringement. Like DRM, everyone would lose, 
| including the music industry and artists that IFPI seeks to protect.       


AT&T and Other ISPs May Be Getting Ready to Filter

,----[ Quote ]
| For the past fifteen years, Internet service providers have acted - to use an 
| old cliche - as wide-open information super-highways, letting data flow 
| uninterrupted and unimpeded between users and the Internet.  
| But ISPs may be about to embrace a new metaphor: traffic cop.
| At a small panel discussion about digital piracy here at NBC’s booth on the 
| Consumer Electronics Show floor, representatives from NBC, Microsoft, several 
| digital filtering companies and telecom giant AT&T said the time was right to 
| start filtering for copyrighted content at the network level.   


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