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[News] Going Microsoft-free with GNU/Linux, LINdependence 2008 Expands

  • Subject: [News] Going Microsoft-free with GNU/Linux, LINdependence 2008 Expands
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 16:25:42 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Alternate Access to the System i

,----[ Quote ]
| Then I ran across something that cheered my heart no end: iSeries Access for 
| Linux. Those who have been following my travails recently might know that 
| I've begun treading the path toward a Microsoft-free environment. I've 
| already removed nearly all of my Microsoft applications, trading in IE for 
| Firefox, Outlook for Thunderbird, and Microsoft Office for Open Office (IBM 
| Symphony isn't quite ready yet). I created my own Linux mail server, and I'm 
| trying to go to the next step. Obviously, I have a major stumbling block in 
| the fact that WDSC (soon to be RDi) doesn't run on Linux, but I have to 
| believe IBM is going to fix that "real soon now." In the meantime, I'm trying 
| to find replacements for other software, and while a Linux 5250 terminal 
| already exists (TN5250), I thought I'd try the IBM version.          


Calling All Distros

,----[ Quote ]
| This event is going to receive national and international coverage. 
| Ironically, a google search for LINdependence 2008 shows as much positive 
| activity internationally as within our own borders or even in the Ubuntu 
| LOCOs in California itself. In a recent google alert, it was amusing to see 
| that several prominent Chinese blogs are watching the project closely. This 
| is a golden 0pportunity for the leadership within Linux and FOSS to take 
| control of their own destiny.      



Lindependence 2008 -- An invitation

,----[ Quote ]
| Lindependence 2008 introduces Linux to the town of Felton, California -- 
| about 6,000 people who live at the foot of the San Lorenzo Valley in Santa 
| Cruz County, California. The plan behind Lindependence 2008 involves 
| assisting those wishing to declare their digital independence for an entire 
| week -- starting on Independence Day 2008 -- by using their choice of distro 
| and FOSS programs.     


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