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Re: Committee that just grew and grew like topsy ..

____/ Linonut on Thursday 27 March 2008 13:35 : \____

> * Doug Mentohl peremptorily fired off this memo:
>> "So in essence, V1 has been taken over by Microsofties, and Mr Durusau
>> is in a tight situation. If he were to be negative towards OOXML, his
>> stacked V1 will retaliate and bar the progress of his normal work:
>> work on ODF 1.2"
>> http://www.openmalaysiablog.com/2008/03/fear-that-shoul.html
>    So Mr Cheong pleaded to us, "Dont give up this chance for Malaysia
>    to be heard. If we vote Disapprove, Malaysia will NEVER be on that
>    table! We have already implemented OOXML in our products, and if its
>    not standardised, the format will change!"
>    Oh Noes! Malaysia will be blacklisted! Microsoft will go dark again!
>    We will never see the light in our documents ever! The world is going
>    to end!
>    Yeah. Fear. Uncertainty. Nice try.
>    . . .
>    Now, about the case about Microsoft retracting OOXML as an
>    international standard is erroneous fear mongering. First of all,
>    OOXML is already an international standard. Although less glamorous
>    than ISO, it's stated as an international standard by Ecma
>    International: Ecma 376. So your precious file format specifications
>    will never go away.
>    Additionally, Microsoft HAS to standardise its file formats. In 2004
>    the European Union requested Microsoft to publish and standardise
>    their file formats. So Microsoft does not have an option! Its just
>    that this time, they need to do it properly instead of rushing it
>    through the Fast Track process.
>    Malaysia as a 'P' Country in ISO, will always have a table in the
>    development of OOXML, if Microsoft is sincere in its standards
>    initiative.
> (Yoon Kit, representing the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers)

I think that Malaysia is the only same (/and/ vocal) country at the moment, but
Microsoft is still trying to corrupt it. Night and Day!

How to Royally Annoy National Bodies

,----[ Quote ]
| Guide to future monopolists on how to alienate yourself from National Bodies:
|    1. Waste NBs time in reviewing monstrous draft specifications
|    2. Claim that these specs can do everything for anyone by standardising 
|    marketing material 
|    3. If you don't get your way at a certain level, lobby the superior above. 
|    Dont stop! Go all the way to the head of the nation if you think you can! 
|    4. Leak press stories to journalists to pressure Ministries to make a 
|    decision. Quick! 
|    5. Try to shut down TCs if actual technical work is done revealing issues 
|    with your plan 
|    6. Question Question Question everything (process, fairness, the system, 
|    members) when things dont go your way 
|    7. Otherwise create another TC with friendly experts
|    8. If the NB allows new members just by paying membership fees, encourage 
|    your business partners to join with marketing funds. Stack-stack-stack it 
|    high!  
|    9. Stalk decision makers, even if it means traveling around the globe with 
|    them 
|   10. Refuse changes in the spec especially if it breaks your product which 
|   you released prior 
|   11. Have private interviews with TC members in the guise of funding for 
|   their new projects/research grants/interoperability initiatives and 
|   conveniently talk about their position on your spec.  
|   12. Get your Business Partners to write in form letters. Some don't even 
|   bother to change the templates 
|   13. Attend TC meetings uninvited by fabricating business cards
|   14. Send Lawyers in to Technical Committee meetings who prefer not to 
|   engage in "high-school" debates 
|   15. Make rude and inaccurate statements against TC members in public


                ~~ Best of wishes

The Intel-Dell-MS oligopoly/treo can be weakened by competition (Freedom)
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