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[News] Free Software Proving Very Viable, a Billion-dollar Market

  • Subject: [News] Free Software Proving Very Viable, a Billion-dollar Market
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 00:57:05 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Open Source Software Made Developers Cool. Now It Can Make Them Rich

,----[ Quote ]
| In 2007, some 30 open source software companies were purchased for more than 
| $1 billion — double the number of sales in 2005, according to consulting firm 
| 451 Group. And 2008 is proving to be even more frenetic. In January alone, 
| Sun Microsystems announced the purchase of open source pioneer MySQL for $1 
| billion; open source development players Covalent and SpringSource merged; 
| and Nokia agreed to pay $153 million for the open source mobile-software 
| maker Trolltech.      


OSBC: Acquia to launch this fall “Carbon” social web publishing system based on

,----[ Quote ]
| Acquia was founded in 2007 and received $7 million in Series A funding from 
| North Bridge Venture Partners and others. 
| Acquia’s founders are Dries Buytaert, the creator and project lead of the 
| Drupal open source web content management system, and Jay Batson, previously 
| founder and CEO of Pingtel.  



How The GPL Can Save Your Ass

,----[ Quote ]
| If you are the multi-billion dollar IT industry you stick you head in the 
| sand and just keep making cars. It is after all, not your problem. That seems 
| to be the attitude of almost every company with a vested interest in the 
| computing market. There was a recent announcement indicating Intel and 
| Microsoft have put up $10 million to fund research in parallel software. Hah! 
| I'm going to laugh harder this time HAH, HAH! Ever here the phase pissing in 
| the ocean, well this is more like throwing a match into the sun. We need 
| more -- much more.       
| [...]
| Second, the entire in industry must co-operate and be involved. We need 
| everyone working on this problem. The best minds in high performance 
| computing have been at it for quite a while and it is time to turn up the 
| volume. Fantasies of telling your R&D guys to get on it are not enough. 
| Trying to corral your Intellectual Property (IP) with trade secrets and 
| patents is wishful thinking. The rocket scientists (and plenty of other smart 
| people) have been working on this issue for a long time. You don't have the 
| time to waste trying to expand your IP fiefdom. Instead start thinking about 
| what happens when the next generation of products is of absolutely no 
| interest to your customers.         
| Third we need to respond quickly. There is no time for IP agreements, 
| posturing, and NIH ego trips (Not Invented Here). We need leaders to 
| recognize the scope and magnitude of this challenge and act. Before too long, 
| it will not be unreasonable to have four or even eight cores in a desktop. A 
| workstation or server may have double this amount. It would sure be nice if 
| my software could effectively use all these cores.     
| [...]
| Using the GPL will immediately remove issues that would normally choke such 
| an important undertaking. First, the any IP barriers get pushed aside and 
| everyone can cooperate openly  


Open Source Drupal Goes Commercial With Acquia

,----[ Quote ]
| The open source Drupal content management system is going commercial thanks 
| to a new company, called Acquia, that's led by Dries Buytaert, the founder of 
| the Drupal project. The new effort is aiming to bring a commercially 
| supported version of Drupal to business users and could well end up shaking 
| up the entire content management marketplace.    


Drupal goes commercial

,----[ Quote ]
| Drupal is currently distributed under a GPL2 licence and Buytaert says that 
| the commercial version will also be distributed under a GPL2 licence. 


A Big Drop in the Bucket for Drupal

,----[ Quote ]
| Apparently, the days when a computer science graduate student can invent some 
| cool Web software and raise a few million dollars to build a company around 
| it are not over. Brand new (less than a month old) North Andover, MA, startup 
| Acquia announced yesterday that it’s raised $7 million to market software and 
| services in support of the popular Web publishing system Drupal, invented by 
| Dries Buytaert, a PhD candidate at the University of Ghent in Belgium.     
| Like the Linux operating system, the Apache web server, and the MySQL 
| database system, Drupal is a free, open-source program with a large community 
| of volunteer developers and users. And Acquia’s CEO, Jay Batson, says it will 
| remain so. Rather than creating and selling a proprietary version of Drupal—
| or “forking” the system, in geek speak—Acquia will work on specialized 
| distributions of the software and help organizations deploy it on a larger 
| scale. “We will be to Drupal what Red Hat is to Linux,” Batson says.      


Drupal developer bags $7 million

,----[ Quote ]
| Announcing US$7 million in first round founding from North Bridge Venture 
| Partners, Sigma Partners, and O'Reilly AlphaTech Ventures, Buytaert and Jay 
| Batson, former CEO and founder of Pingtel, hope to steer their Drupal spun 
| startup Acquia deeper into the enterprise.   


Open-source tools open democracy's doors

,----[ Quote ]
| According to a Vancouver Web guru, "You can't build a free and open society 
| using proprietary software." 
| [...]
| Nelson said Drupal started when a Belgian named Dries Buytaert was looking at 
| developing an on-line bulletin-board-style system for the co-op he was living 
| in, one that would enable people to exchange messages. Buytaert, then a 
| university student, still maintains a Web site at buytaert.net/ and, 
| according to Nelson, released the Drupal codebase under a GNU licence, 
| meaning it conforms to open source.     


Drupal founder Dries Buytaert balances community and company interests

,----[ Quote ]
| In the year 2000, Dries Buytaert created Drupal, a freely licensed and open 
| source tool to manage websites, as a bulletin board for his college dorm. 
| Since Dries released the software and a community of thousands of volunteer 
| developers have added and improved modules, Drupal has grown immensely 
| popular. Drupal won the overall Open CMS Award in 2007, and some speakers in 
| Drupal's spacious developer's room at FOSDEM 2008 were dreaming aloud of its 
| world domination.      
| Buytaert (now 29) just finished his doctoral thesis and has founded the 
| start-up Acquia. The new company wants to become Drupal's best friend, with 
| the help of an all-star team and US$7 million collected from venture 
| capitalists. Wikinews reporter Michaël Laurent sat down with Dries in 
| Brussels to discuss these recent exciting developments.    


Drupal 6.0 released

,----[ Quote ]
| After one year of development we are ready to release Drupal 6.0 to the 
| world. Thanks to the tireless work of the Drupal community, over 1,600 issues 
| have been resolved during the Drupal 6.0 release cycle. These changes are 
| evident in Drupal 6's major usability improvements, security and 
| maintainability advancements, friendlier installer, and expanded development 
| framework. Further, from bug fix to feature request, these issues 
| follow-through on the Drupal project's continued commitment to deliver 
| flexibility and power to themers and developers.       


WordPress is Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| Six Apart has recently decided that the best way to win back customers 
| fleeing their platforms is to target WordPress, which is a new strategy they 
| call competing. (What have they been doing the past 7 years?) A good example 
| is this exchange between a commenter on Valleywag and Byrne Reese, the lead 
| developer of Movable Type:    
| Sundown: “@anildash: what part of Wordpress is not open source?”
| byrnereese: “@Sunnduwn - I think that is a question better asked of 
| Automattic. Anil, and certainly not Six Apart, has never been briefed, nor 
| has anyone for that matter been presented with an accounting of what is open 
| and closed source at Automattic.”   
| Okay, here’s some accounting:
| WordPress is 100% open source, GPL.
| All plugins in the official directory are GPL or compatible, 100% open 
| source. 
| bbPress is 100% GPL.
| WordPress MU is 100% open source, GPL, and if you wanted you could take it 
| and build your own hosted platform like WordPress.com, like edublogs.org has 
| with over 100,000 blogs.  
| There is more GPL stuff on the way, as well. :)
| Could you build Typepad or Vox with Movable Type? Probably not, especially 
| since people with more than a few blogs or posts say it grinds to a halt, as 
| Metblogs found before they switched to WordPress.  


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