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[News] Fighting FUD with Decision, Unclosure and Freedom (DUF)

  • Subject: [News] Fighting FUD with Decision, Unclosure and Freedom (DUF)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 15:34:21 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4

,----[ Quote ]
| In mind, I am a strong supporter of Free Software, no doubt. But concerning 
| the fight against FUD, I prefer the way of Taiji - conquering the unyielding 
| with the yielding. Thus I invent the DUF (previously FUD when I commented on 
| the article).   
|     * D - Decision (This talks about choice. You are the decision-maker for a 
|       choice) 
|     * U - Unclosure (This term is coined to emphasize the concept of ``Open 
|       Source''. If one does want to know what's inside, I'd like to show him 
|       the OSD by OSI.)  
|     * F - Freedom (This does specify what's the meaning of `Free' in ``Free 
|       Software'', and If one does want to know what `Freedoms' he can win, 
|       I'd like to show him the FSD by FSF, in particular, the four essential 
|       freedoms.)   


Quote for the day:

"Don’t encourage new, cross-platform Java classes, especially don’t help get
great Win 32 implementations written/deployed. [...] Do encourage
fragmentation of the Java classlib space."

                                --Ben Slivka, Microsoft


,----[ Quote ]
| "After a long and arduous journey that included a suspended validation last
| year .. OpenSSL has regained its FIPS 140-2 validation"
| "We called it the FUD campaign," he says. "There were all kinds of
| complaints sent to the CMVP including one about 'Commie code.' .. Silly or
| no, each complaint that's filed really slows down the process."
| "the ones they did see often contained redacted, or blacked-out, data about
| who had filed the complaint .. in some cases, proprietary software vendors
| were lodging the complaints.


The commie smear against open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Because proprietary companies will always spend more of their
| money on marketing than open source outfits, it pops up regularly
| in the best of places, such as at Time Magazine recently. Or
| Microsoft sends CEO Steve Ballmer to London, so he can rant
| about how his lawyers are going to make all Linux users pay
| Microsoft for their stuff.
| It's nonsense.
| This is not "the gift economy," as Justin Fox calls it in Time.
| This is people taking advantage of the fact that the Internet
| has no distribution costs, which means marketing costs can
| also sink to zero. No ads in Time doesn't make you a communist.


Top 10 Linux FUD Patterns, Part 3

,----[ Quote ]
| When you hear the phrase “official support,” what comes to mind? Informative 
| user manuals? A well-staffed call center? But what makes it “official”? This 
| is the second item on my Top 10 List of Linux FUD patterns: the lack 
| of “official” Linux support. The goal of FUD based on this notion is a 
| mixture of fear and uncertainty, to make you believe that using Linux means 
| having no place to turn when a problem occurs.     


Myths Stymie Linux Growth

,----[ Quote ]
| Regardless of the advantages offered by Linux, no one seems to be adopting it 
| wholeheartedly in the business world. What makes that even more fascinating 
| is that the backlash against Windows Vista is not reason enough to fuel the 
| move to Linux.   
| The problem here is that the powers that be have created enough FUD (fear, 
| uncertainty and doubt) about Linux that most decision makers feel it is safer 
| to stick with Windows (including XP). That FUD is fueled by many myths and 
| misconceptions about what Linux can and cannot do.    


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