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[News] [SOT] Lessig 'Open-sources' a Corrupt Progress; Open-source Cars

  • Subject: [News] [SOT] Lessig 'Open-sources' a Corrupt Progress; Open-source Cars
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 04:26:05 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Exposing a closed Congress to Open Source: Change Congress

,----[ Quote ]
| The first half of Lessig's remarks closely tracked the inaugural lecture on 
| corruption he delivered at Stanford last year, after announcing that he would 
| be abandoning the work on cyberlaw and free culture that had made him a geek 
| superstar in order to study the ways money's influence distorts the political 
| process. He detailed how, on an array of "easy questions" in areas ranging 
| from copyright terms to dietary recommendations to climate change to military 
| procurement, the interests of funders had driven a wedge between policy 
| formation or academic inquiry and the overwhelming consensus of impartial 
| experts. He also offered conservatives, who have often been skeptics of 
| campaign finance reform, a rationale to share his concerns: "Why is 
| government so big?" Lessig asked rhetorically. "Because congressmen must get 
| elected." He claimed, for example, that legislators had been reluctant to 
| establish a more deregulated telecommunications framework for the Internet in 
| the 1990s because the looming threat of regulation kept campaign 
| contributions rolling in from telecom firms.               


The Amazing Race

,----[ Quote ]
| David Warren, 30, works as an engineering product manager for a defense 
| contractor by day, but in his free time leads the Society for Sustainable 
| Mobility's Open Source Green Vehicle Project. The goal is a seven-passenger 
| SUV that will get 100 mpg, sell for about $30,000, and, he says, have the 
| performance of a Porsche Cayenne.    



Professor Lessig Is In

,----[ Quote ]
| Stanford professor Lawrence Lessig hates corruption. He hates it so much, in 
| fact, that last year he announced he’d be shifting away from his work on 
| copyright and trademark law — on which he’s one of the leading experts in the 
| country, especially when it comes to emerging digital, broadcast, and 
| Internet technologies — to focus on it. He hates it so much he considered 
| running for Tom Lantos’s seat in Congress, at the behest of an Internet 
| campaign to draft him. (After a few days of soul-searching, he decided 
| against it.)       


EU suggests singers and musicians should earn copyright fees for 95 years

,----[ Quote ]
| Singers and musicians should earn royalty fees for 95 years — almost double 
| the current 50-year limit, a European Union official said Thursday as he 
| promised to draft new copyright protection rules.  


RIAA gets Does' names after school threatened with contempt

,----[ Quote ]
| Hours after a federal court judge ordered Oklahoma State University to show 
| cause why it shouldn't be held in contempt for failing to respond to an RIAA 
| subpoena, attorneys for the school e-mailed a list of students' names to the 
| RIAA's attorneys.   




Lessig: Required Reading: the next 10 years

,----[ Quote ]
| Yet governments continue to push ahead with this idiot idea -- both Britain
| and Japan for example are considering extending existing terms. Why?
| The answer is a kind of corruption of the political process. Or better,
| a "corruption" of the political process. I don't mean corruption in the
| simple sense of bribery. I mean "corruption" in the sense that the
| system is so queered by the influence of money that it can't even get
| an issue as simple and clear as term extension right.


RIAA, MPAA urge pro-copyright vows from presidential candidates

,----[ Quote ]
| One question, for instance, asks: "How would you promote the progress of 
| science and creativity, as enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, by upholding 
| and strengthening copyright law and preventing its diminishment?"  


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