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[News] [Rival] Apple Abuses iPod Monopoly, Gets Sued Over Junk Patent

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Apple Abuses iPod Monopoly, Gets Sued Over Junk Patent
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 08:13:49 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Apple pushes Safari on Windows via iTunes updater

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple has started offering Windows users its Safari 3.1 Web browser through 
| the same online updater it utilizes for iTunes and the QuickTime video 
| player.  


Apple sued for visual voicemail patent infringement - again

,----[ Quote ]
| It is the second time Klausner has had a bash at the suit, after it updated 
| its original complaint from December. The outfit claims both Apple and AT&T 
| infringed its patent of a “Telephone Answering Device Linking Displayed Data 
| with Recorded Audio Message”.   



Apple faces suit over iPod-iTunes link

,----[ Quote ]
| As if its options woes weren't trouble enough, Apple Computer Inc.
| said Friday it is facing several federal lawsuits, including one 
| alleging the company created an illegal monopoly by tying iTunes
| music and video sales to its market-leading iPod portable players.


EU takes aim at Apple over iTunes

,----[ Quote ]
| Norway, a European country that is not in the EU, is battling Apple
| for the same reason. In January, it said the computer and software
| giant must liberalize its music download system by October 1 or
| face legal action.
| Pressure on Apple has been building, with consumer rights
| organizations from Germany, France, Finland and Norway recently
| agreeing a joint position in their battles against iTunes.


Firefox, Safari back on browser attack

,----[ Quote ]
| The take-up of IE7, however, has slowed substantially over the past
| four months. Released to XP users in late October 2006, IE7 has been
| pushed by Microsoft as a high-priority update through Windows'
| built-in Automatic Updates, one reason why IE7 use leaped nearly
| 10% from November to December and by more than 7% from December
| to January. IE7 adoption has slowed since then; it rose by only
| 4% from January to February.


Firefox 2 a Reliable Alternative to Safari

,----[ Quote ]
| Firefox 2 is a reliable, stable and usable Web browser. It won't be 
| replacing my current browser of choice, but I won't be dumping it off my 
| hard drive, either. I didn't experience any significant site compatibility 
| issues, and it was snappy at rendering Web pages.


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