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[News] More GNU/Linux Laptops Introduced and Reviewed

Intel offers Classmate PC to vendors in developed countries

,----[ Quote ]
| In addition to versions for consumers, running either Linux or Windows, the 
| laptop will be available in configurations, complete with educational 
| software, aimed at schools in developed countries, he said.  


Another new review of a couple (running only GNU/Linux):

Review: Zonbu Zonbook and gOS Cloudbook

,----[ Quote ]
| The UMPC market certainly has appeal. The Via Nanobook design is quirky and 
| appealing. It just needs some hacker love. Meanwhile, Everex has hinted at 
| a "Developer" version, possibly with a touchscreen. Maybe it will even use 
| Via's next-generation 64-bit Isaiah processor -- who knows? The UMPC market 
| is just beginning, and there's lots of exciting times (and late night 
| compiles) ahead.      



Microsoft Unveils New Linux Hate Site

,----[ Quote ]
| "Get the Facts" is not completely killed off! In the source code of the 
| poorly coded table based design here... 
| We found this:
| [...]
| An alt tag for a header image still reads "alt="Get the Facts"" 


Cheap Laptops Bad for Vista, Good for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| The good news for everyone is that you can get a good, solid laptop for under 
| a grand these days. The bad news for Vista users is that many of those 
| laptops, even though they're sold with Vista, have nothing like enough 
| resources to run Vista decently.   
| [...]
| Total additional cost? About a buck for the burnable DVD for the Linux 
| distribution. It's not a matter of "if," it's a matter of when we're going to 
| see more Linux-powered laptops.  
| Do the math. Vista doesn't work for today's laptop market. XP and Linux do. 
| It's really that simple.  


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