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[News] Another Anti-GNU/Linux Move from Microsoft Cripples PCs

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Microsoft to limit capabilities of cheap laptops

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft plans to offer PC makers steep discounts on Windows XP Home Edition 
| to encourage them to use that OS instead of Linux on ultra low-cost PCs 
| (ULPCs). To be eligible, however, the PC vendors that make ULPCs must limit 
| screen sizes to 10.2 inches and hard drives to 80G bytes, and they cannot 
| offer touch-screen PCs.    
| The program is outlined in confidential documents that Microsoft sent to PC 
| makers last month, and which were obtained by IDG News Service. The goal 
| apparently is to limit the hardware capabilities of ULPCs so that they don't 
| eat into the market for mainstream PCs running Windows Vista, something both 
| Microsoft and the PC vendors would want to avoid.    
| [...]
| Microsoft notes that the OSes under consideration for the devices include 
| Windows and Linux. Some PC makers have expressed a preference for Linux 
| because it helps them keep down the cost of the devices.  
| [...]
| By offering Windows XP Home Edition at bargain prices, Microsoft hopes to 
| secure its place in the ULPC market and reduce the use of Linux, according to 
| an official at one PC maker, who asked not to be identified because he was 
| not authorized to discuss the program.   
| "[Low-cost PC makers] have made some good inroads with open-source, and 
| Microsoft wants to put a stop to it," the official said. 
| The official did not seem opposed to the program. It should stimulate more 
| competition between Windows and Linux in the ULPC market, and it could 
| invigorate sales because consumers who want an easy-to-use PC are likely to 
| prefer Windows, the official said.   


Microsoft U-turn to stop Linux dominating ultra low cost PCs

,----[ Quote ]
| By offering Windows XP Home Edition at bargain prices, Microsoft hopes to 
| secure its place in the ULPC market and reduce the use of Linux, according to 
| an official at one PC maker, who asked not to be identified because he was 
| not authorised to discuss the programme.   


Price-fixing, collusion, anti-competitive practices. Yep. That's Microsoft.


Microsoft selling hobbled software to poor countries

,----[ Quote ]
| Surprisingly, no-one seems to have told Microsoft that it is not good
| marketing strategy to treat your customers as if they are stupid. Which
| is exactly what the company is doing with the release in Africa of the
| stripped-down operating system it calls Windows XP Starter Edition.
| Microsoft South Africa launched Windows XP Starter Edition (XPSE) into
| the African market last week with very little fanfare and market hype.
| Which is not surprising considering how the product was received by other
| media on its intial launch in 2004. Known for its straight talking, The
| Register labelled XPSE "crippleware". Analysts Gartner said the product
| had "good intent, poor execution".


The Problem with Crippleware

,----[ Quote ]
| What Microsoft wants is that the third party products, whether written 
| by hobbyists or professionals, serve Microsoft's business model, not 
| their own.
| Microsoft has always had great developer programs, and even at the CEO 
| level, they get why developers matter. (Can you imagine any CEO other 
| than Steve Ballmer doing his famous sweat-soaked "Developers, developers, 
| developers" chant? If you can, I apologize for the visual.) But I  
| think increasingly, Microsoft is running into the limits of its own 
| model. It's seeking grassroots support to compete against the growing 
| momentum in open source, and it's at a disadvantage. 


Microsoft patent hints at pay-as-you-go OS

,----[ Quote ]
| A Microsoft patent application from June 2005, published only today,
| titled "System and method for delivery of a modular operating system"
| may signal a fundamental change for what an operating systems stands
| for and how it is sold.


Ninth Circuit declines to hear Microsoft appeal in 'Vista Capable' suit

,----[ Quote ]
| That's the early word from lawyers representing the plaintiffs in the suit. 
| Remember, Microsoft was seeking to appeal the judge's class certification in 
| the suit. With the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals declining to take up the 
| case, it should proceed in U.S. District Court.   


Vista Capable plaintiffs subpoena PC titans

,----[ Quote ]
| Other notable names on the list include Intel and former Windows chief Jim 
| Allchin. 


Microsoft tries to stop more ‘Vista-capable’ e-mails from going public

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is trying to put the kibosh on more of its internal (and 
| embarassing) e-mail messages around its Vista marketing plans going public. 
| [...]
| With every version of Windows, Microsoft has worked with hardware partners to 
| find new ways to try to convince users they need more and more powerful 
| machines to take advantage of more feature-rich software. If Microsoft and 
| its partners were/are successful, it means more money in the PC makers’ and 
| Microsoft’s coffers. With Vista, this pact really back-fired, as the already 
| published e-mails around Vista-capable — and more, as-yet-unpublicized 
| messages — will make evident.      


Microsoft challenges 'Vista Capable' class action

,----[ Quote ]
| If granted, the motion would also postpone any new disclosures of potentially 
| embarrassing company e-mails. 


They Criticized Vista. And They Should Know.

,----[ Quote ]
| Act 1: In 2005, Microsoft plans to say that only PCs that are properly 
| equipped to handle the heavy graphics demands of Vista are “Vista Ready.” 
| Act 2: In early 2006, Microsoft decides to drop the graphics-related hardware 
| requirement in order to avoid hurting Windows XP sales on low-end machines 
| while Vista is readied. (A customer could reasonably conclude that Microsoft 
| is saying, Buy Now, Upgrade Later.) A semantic adjustment is made: Instead of 
| saying that a PC is “Vista Ready,” which might convey the idea that, well, it 
| is ready to run Vista, a PC will be described as “Vista Capable,” which 
| supposedly signals that no promises are made about which version of Vista 
| will actually work.       
| The decision to drop the original hardware requirements is accompanied by 
| considerable internal protest. The minimum hardware configuration was set so 
| low that “even a piece of junk will qualify,” Anantha Kancherla, a Microsoft 
| program manager, said in an internal e-mail message among those recently 
| unsealed, adding, “It will be a complete tragedy if we allowed it.”    
| Act 3: In 2007, Vista is released in multiple versions, including “Home 
| Basic,” which lacks Vista’s distinctive graphics. This placed Microsoft’s 
| partners in an embarrassing position. Dell, which gave Microsoft a postmortem 
| report that was also included among court documents, dryly 
| remarked: “Customers did not understand what ‘Capable’ meant and expected 
| more than could/would be delivered.”     


Microsoft knew of Vista shortcoming prior to release


Microsoft dropped Vista hardware spec to raise Intel profits


Microsoft 'Caves' To Intel 


Has Vista lost all credibility?


E-mail: Microsoft 'botched' dealings with Intel, HP

,----[ Quote ]
| Internal Microsoft e-mails revealed through a federal class-action lawsuit 
| arising from the troubled launch last year of the Windows Vista operating 
| system have provided a provocative inside look at the software giant's 
| machinations with Intel, HP and Dell.   
| The e-mails include an exchange in which one senior Microsoft executive 
| described dealings with computer makers as "really botched." Another manager 
| complained Microsoft was "caving to Intel" and "really burning HP."  
| The e-mails are included in 145 pages of documents unsealed by U.S. District 
| Judge Marsha Pechman in Seattle late Wednesday. They include internal 
| reports and some handwritten notes that offer a rare look inside at the 
| famed "Wintel" partnership, and touch upon the alliance's dealings with 
| Hewlett-Packard, Dell and other computer makers.    

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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