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[News] MSBBC Might Support Tamagotchi Before Supporting Microsoft's #1 Rival

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iPlayer to tart up Freesat

,----[ Quote ]
| So far, the BBC has made iPlayer available on Virgin's cable service, the Wii 
| console, and the iPhone/Touch, as well as PCs. 
| Freesat launched on Tuesday - we had a peek at it today, and very nice it 
| looks too. Look out for our hands-on report tomorrow.  


What the BBC is doing seems criminal. It deliberately snubs its partner's #1
competitor. The BBC is run by some former Microsoft employees, who pass on
obsecene amounts of taxpayers' money to serve agenda, hijack the Web,
discriminate and then lie about it to the Parliament.


Has the BBC Duped Us over iPlayer?

,----[ Quote ]
| I wonder how that complaint about the BBC providing state aid to Microsoft is 
| coming along.... 


Feeling the heat at Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| If I ask you who is Microsoft's biggest competitor now, who would it be?  
| Ballmer: Open...Linux. I don't want to say open source. Linux, certainly have 
| to go with that. 



BBC Director General grilled by MPs on iPlayer

,----[ Quote ]
| During the meeting there is discussion of iPlayer’s total cost to the licence 
| fee-payer - the BBC representatives are unable to give a figure, but start 
| the bidding at £20m, excluding staff costs. Thomson gives incorrect 
| information - that Mac and Linux versions of iPlayer have the same 
| functionality as Windows versions - and has to change his evidence at the 
| end. Perhaps it was this confusion that prompted Dr John Pugh MP to follow up 
| the encounter with a letter direct to Mark Thomson today discussing platform 
| neutrality in greater detail. A copy of this letter has been passed to the 
| Open Rights Group.        


BBC Corrupted

,----[ Quote ]
| Today the BBC made it official -- they have been corrupted by Microsoft. With 
| today's launch of the iPlayer, the BBC Trust has failed in its most basic of 
| duties and handed over to Microsoft sole control of the on-line distribution 
| of BBC programming. From today, you will need to own a Microsoft operating 
| system to view BBC programming on the web. This is akin to saying you must 
| own a Sony TV set to watch BBC TV. And you must accept the Digital  
| Restrictions Management (DRM) that the iPlayer imposes. You simply cannot be 
| allowed to be in control of your computer according to the BBC.      


BBC iPlayer Protests 

,----[ Quote ]
| Who are the people responsible for creating this mess?
|     * Mark Thompson, BBC director general (DG)
|     * Erik Huggers, group controller at BBC Future Media & Technology
|     * Ashley Highfield, director of new media and technology
| Right now, there is very considerable concern within the BBC that the actions 
| of the Director General and his team are sending the corporation in the wrong 
| direction. The BBC has been embroiled in a number of recent controversies, 
| all linked back to the DG's leadership.   


Why Linux Users Should Be Furious At BBC

,----[ Quote ]
| Recently the BBC had a bit of a wake up call regarding numbers and how many 
| Linux users were really out there. Why does any of this matter? It has to do 
| with something the BBC provides called the iPlayer. Seriously, relying on 
| ActiveX is so "1990's" that it's painful, and as luck would have it, the 
| Linux users who wish to use this BBC player made sure that the BBC knew that 
| they were making the sought after content inaccessible to those people using 
| Linux.      
| No iPlayer for Linux Users, But There Will Be An Alternative. Based on what I 
| have been able to gather thus far, it looks like we will see an Adobe Flash 
| option coming out soon. Then again, who really cares? Seriously, if the BBC 
| is this foolish to ignore how much Linux growth is taking place both in the 
| UK as well as the surrounding countries, then maybe people ought to be 
| looking elsewhere? Is it because this is indeed, the BBC? So there is the 
| belief that this is the people's media? Up until now, I enjoyed much of what 
| the BBC had to offer, but this entire thing is enough to have pushed me away.       

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