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[News] [SOT] RIAA Takes Over the Court, DRM Dead on Arrival

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Chief RIAA Litigator Named Colorado Judge -- UPDATE

,----[ Quote ]
| The Pirate Party of the United States took a different position. "Being the 
| lead counsel in a multi-year campaign of extortion, pretexting, and sham 
| litigation should not be rewarded with a seat in any court, except perhaps as 
| a defendant," said the party's chairman, Andrew Norton.   


DRM and unintended consequences

,----[ Quote ]
| As you might have gathered from the Radiohead article, DRM is essentially 
| ineffective. 
| Its only successes are in treating legitimate customers like criminals. A 
| determined (and competent) security cracker can always find a way to 
| circumvent DRM.  
| [...]
| It's all based on ideas like Kerckhoffs' Principle and Shannon's Maxim--a 
| rephrasing of the basic concept in Kerckhoffs' Principle that says "The enemy 
| knows the system." Ultimately, it all just means that trying to interfere 
| with the way people use what they have by keeping its internal workings 
| secret is doomed to failure. The common thread is that security cannot be 
| bought with attempts to restrict how people might use what you've given them.     
| Someone who intends to circumvent your security measures will not be stopped 
| by the attempt to convince them to ignore what's already in plain view. 



EFF: Microsoft betrayed MSN Music customers

,----[ Quote ]
| The Electronic Frontier Foundation says that Microsoft has "betrayed" MSN 
| Music customers and wants the company to make things right by issuing an 
| apology, refunds, and eliminate digital rights management technology from the 
| Zune music player.   



Microsoft: We Like DRM

,----[ Quote ]
| Steve Jobs wants the music business to drop restrictions for digital
| tunes. But Microsoft, which began competing head to head with Apple
| in the digital music business last fall, is happy with the way things
| are, says media exec Robbie Bach.


The Longest Suicide Note in History

,----[ Quote ]
| Gutmann: The genie's out of the bottle before the operating system has even
| been released! But that doesn't mean Vista users in particular - and
| the computer community at large - won't end up paying for Microsoft's
| DRM folly. At the risk of repeating myself repeating myself, yet
| another reason to move to Linux.
`----     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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