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[News] [SOT] Murdoch's Online Malicious Shills Exposed After Years of Secret Service

  • Subject: [News] [SOT] Murdoch's Online Malicious Shills Exposed After Years of Secret Service
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 07 May 2008 14:51:30 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Hash: SHA1

Top hackers kept on News Corp unit payroll 'for years'

,----[ Quote ]
| Tarnovsky was paid by News Corp publishing house Harper Collins and made 
| $128,000 in 2000. At the end of the year, he received a $5,000 bonus "because 
| he must have made a very good technical contribution," Peled testified.  
| An earlier trial exhibit showed that the DISH code appeared on the internet 
| the same month Tarnovsky received his bonus. 


Microsoft too had some shills exposed recently.


Hacker testifies News Corp unit hired him

,----[ Quote ]
| The trial could result in hundreds of millions of dollars in damage awards.
| NDS, which provides security technology to a global satellite network that 
| includes satellite TV service DirecTV, denies the claims, saying it was only 
| engaged in reverse engineering -- looking at a technology product to 
| determine how it works, a standard in the electronics industry.   


Times Online denies knowledge of link spam campaign

,----[ Quote ]
| Piotr Wyspianski, a manager at Sitelynx, was revealed on the Waxy.org blog to 
| have waged a one-man campaign to game web aggregation communities such as 
| Digg, Metafilter and StumbleUpon with over a thousand links to Times Online 
| stories. Before working for Sitelynx, he had form for a similar astroturfing 
| effort for his own online jewellery store.    
| Predictably, the Waxy.org story has hit the front page of Digg and some 
| Diggers have piled in to condemn Times Online, blaming a conspiracy by the 
| original Digger himself. "I haven't respected The Times since Murdoch bought 
| it, since that effectively means I can no longer trust its content. Fuck you 
| old man!" wrote one.    



Bribing Bloggers

,----[ Quote ]
| This is the most frustrating thing about the practice of giving
| bloggers free stuff: it pisses in the well, reducing the credibility
| of all blogs. I'm upset that people trust me less because of the
| behavior of other bloggers. Don't even get me started about PayPerPost.
| [...]
| Do not, under any circumstances, consider upgrading an XP system to
| Vista... even if it's fairly new and even if it's Vista Supremo
| Premium Ultra-Capable.


Bribing Bloggers

,----[ Quote ]
| It's a bribe. Period. You say nice things about us, you get nice
| things from us. Heck, just say neutral things about us-we'll give
| you a killer new laptop and we know that you'll be inclined to say
| better things about us.


EU cracks down on fake blogger astroturfing

,----[ Quote ]
| But back to the web, and with sneaky marketing campaigns likely to be more 
| effective than upfront marketing campaigns, what is stopping companies from 
| simply risking it and continuing existing practices?  


Microsoft pays star writers to recite slogan

,----[ Quote ]
| The stodgy old media industry has a rule that newspaper reporters, and TV 
| news hosts, shouldn't trade on their public trust to endorse products.


Malik, Arrington and Battelle: X-22, come in [to Microsoft]

,----[ Quote ]
| What would possess a collection of online publishers and venture capitalists 
| to pimp a Microsoft advertising slogan?
| Valleywag today reported about a site tied to a Microsoft ad campaign
| where the likes of Michael Arrington, Om Malik and others seemingly 
| lend their support to the "people-ready" catchphrase.
| I sent e-mails both to Arrington and Malik and--surprise, 
| surprise--heard nothing back. (Obviously, they are not yet 
| sufficiently "Coop-ready.") Microsoft was still checking for me into  
| whether money exchanged hands. But even if not a single shekel exchanged 
| hands, I must wonder about the absence of common sense. Why would 
| ostensibly independent voices come across as Microsoft shills? If 
| they were hoping for a free dinner with Bill Gates, there are 
| smarter ways to go about it. 

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