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[News] SCO Scum Moves in to 'Mother Ship' Microsoft

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Microsoft hires SCO veteran as its Competitive Strategy guru

,----[ Quote ]
| IBM and others have shredded Gupta's work for SCO, and a judge couldn't throw 
| it out fast enough. 
| Gupta may be a great person, but he's not a UNIX, Linux, or Windows expert. 
| Perhaps that's just what Microsoft wants? After all, SCO once said of Gupta 
| that "he is able to laser-focus on product deliverables." If half-truths in 
| the interest of competitive strategy are what Microsoft wants in terms of 
| deliverables, Microsoft couldn't do better than to pull in the SCO team.    
| Disappointing. Shame on you, Microsoft.


Sandy Gupta Shows Up - Working at Microsoft - Updated

,----[ Quote ]
| Guess where Sandeep Gupta landed after he left SCO? If I put a blindfold on 
| you and told you to point on the map, you'd still guess Microsoft, wouldn't 
| you? And you'd be right. From January, that is where he found a soft landing, 
| as Director, Technical Competitive Strategy of the Server & Tools Division.   
| [...]
| This was back in 2004. They may think we all forgot, but Groklaw never 
| forgets. And if I need to remind you, the SCO v. IBM  case is yet to be 
| tried. So Microsoft has hired Gupta midstream.  
| Here's what another famous computer expert, Brian W. Kernighan, said after 
| reviewing Gupta's work: 
|     Furthermore, in places, Mr. Gupta's conclusions of similarity depend on 
|     his selecting isolated lines of code from disparate places and putting 
|     them together as if contiguous blocks of code were involved (which they 
|     are not) and important differences did not exist (which they do).   
| So. You may draw your own conclusions as to why he is being rewarded with a 
| plum position at Microsoft after a performance so stunningly rebutted. Mine 
| is that he knows too much and that he fits in perfectly.  



Feeling the heat at Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| If I ask you who is Microsoft's biggest competitor now, who would it be?  
| Ballmer: Open...Linux. I don't want to say open source. Linux, certainly have 
| to go with that. 


Microsoft's SEC:

,----[ Quote ]
| A prominent example of open source software is the Linux operating system...
| To the extent open source software gains increasing market acceptance, sales 
| of our products may decline, we may have to reduce the prices we charge for 
| our products, and revenue and operating margins may consequently decline.   

http://www. microsoft.com/msft/SEC/default.mspx


,----[ Quote ]
| "We've moved past the ideology," said Sutor, in Salt Lake City
| Thursday to attend graduation ceremonies at Neumont University."
| Many people have figured out that there are a number of ways tom
| ake money from the 'open source' model."
| [...]
| The litigation has been characterized as part of a proxy war being
|                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| waged by Microsoft against Linux, seen as a prime challenger to
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| Windows. Microsoft has been a prime funding source for SCO, but
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| earlier this month stunned open-sourcers by announcing a development
| pact for Novell's Suse-brand of Linux.


Did Microsoft ruin SCO?

,----[ Quote ]
| Which comes to the scenario in mind. Gates approaches McBride and puts forth 
| a proposition that SCO should try and make money out of Linux. He offers to 
| bankroll the operation in a backhanded manner and then steps back to watch 
| the action unfold. His reasoning for doing this? To have a test run before he 
| puts Microsoft through the same paces. Either way he wins.     

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