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[News] Cuba Starts Distributing GNU/Linux or Open PCs

Cuba Lifts Ban on Home Computers

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm a Cuban. This happened more than a month ago. And we are very happy that 
| someone finally came to his senses about it. 
| What's new, though, is that [startin soon], they are going to be sold without 
| operating systems... No more windows pre-installed. Or so I've heard. Now we 
| only need tons of Ubuntu disks to give away at the sotre.  


Watch the recent story below about MicrISOft 'losing' Cuba's vote and counting
a "No" as a "Yes", having rejected a vote cast without Microsoft Word (.DOC).
Yes, at ISO. Outragous.

Cuba is moving to Free software.


Cuba Votes No to OOXML - Says It Did So in September, Too - Updated

,----[ Quote ]
| More OOXML news. The Cuban National Bureau of Standards has reportedly sent 
| an email to the three names NBs are supposed to notify at ISO, Toshiko 
| Kimura, Keith Brannon, and Martine Gaillen, reporting that Cuba votes to 
| disapprove OOXML.   
| But the startling news is that the email claims that Cuba voted no in 
| September but that its vote was miscounted.  
| [...]
| If you recall, the public announcement by ISO in September said that Cuba had 
| voted to approve, which led to puzzlement. Not so, says the email, which was 
| sent on Friday evening and broadly cc'd, including to all the NBs, perhaps to 
| ensure there was no confusion this time. Cuba was deeply injured by the false 
| report, the email says. Cuba voted no with comments in September. It never 
| approved OOXML.     



The Gradual Introduction of Free Software in Cuba Becomes Significant to Go 
Ahead in the Crucial Strategy. 

,----[ Quote ]
| Without “pushing the boat out”, the gradual introduction of free software in 
| Cuba becomes significant to go ahead in the process of incorporating  
| informatics into society. 


Cuba embraces migration to free and open source software

,----[ Quote ]
| Cuba's Cabinet also has urged a shift from proprietary software. The customs 
| service has gone to Linux and the ministries of culture, higher education and  
| communications are planning to do so, Rodriguez said. 
| And students in his own department are cooking up a version of Linux called 
| Nova, based on Gentoo distribution of the operating system. The ministry of 
| higher education is developing its own.  


Cuba Embraces Open-Source Software

,----[ Quote ]
| Both governments say they are trying to wean state agencies from
| Microsoft's proprietary Windows to the open-source Linux operating
| system, which is developed by a global community of programmers
| who freely share their code.
| [...]
| Other countries have tried similar moves. China, Brazil and
| Norway have encouraged the development of Linux for a variety
| of reasons: Microsoft's near-monopoly over operating systems,
| the high cost of proprietary software and security problems.


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