Mrs Red Devil Installs Ubuntu 8.04
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| MRS Red Devil is, without being unkind, not the most computer literate person
| on the planet.
| She is a wonderful wife and mother, a faithful friend, kind and generous with
| her time and energy – and very cute, to boot.
| But when it comes to computers in general, and Linux in particular, she's
| something of a beginner.
| So, who better to try installing the latest Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron)
| release?
| [...]
| If Ubuntu 8.04 presents so few problems for Mrs RD, it must be doing pretty
| much everything right, mustn't it?
Ubuntu on the OLPC XO-1
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| I avoided doing this for a while, as I know it kind of defeats the purpose of
| having an XO, but it’s been educational doing it, and I’m impressed with the
| results.
| First thing I noticed was the speed. It’s much faster than I thought it would
| be, and about the same speed as Ubuntu would be on a 300MHz or 400MHz Pentium
| II desktop.
Can we rescue OLPC from Windows?
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| Proprietary software keeps users divided and helpless. Its functioning is
| secret, so it is incompatible with the spirit of learning. Teaching children
| to use a proprietary (non-free) system such as Windows does not make the
| world a better place, because it puts them under the power of the system's
| developer -- perhaps permanently. You might as well introduce the children to
| an addictive drug. If the XO turns out to be a platform for spreading the use
| of proprietary software, its overall effect on the world will be negative.
Intel: doing the dirty on OLPC
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| Intel’s agreement with the OLPC Foundation included a ‘non disparagement’
| clause, under which Intel and One Laptop promised not to criticize each
| other, according to Nicholas Negroponte in the latest article in the Wall
| Street Journal.
| Still Intel tactics have violated that repeatedly to kill OLPC efforts in
| Nigeria, Libya, Pakistan, India, China and Intel is also still trying to pull
| those tactics in Mexico, Brazil.
| This is simply disgracefull of Intel, scandalous.
| But Negroponte has signed an agreement saying that he is not allowed to
| criticize Intel, so he is not allowed to talk about these shameless tactics
| even though Intel is the one violating the agreement.
| So only independant voices on the Internet can get those messages of truth
| out about Intels tactics.
| In Nigeria, Intel came and donated 3000 laptops to counter OLPC efforts, then
| sells 17 thousand Classmates to Nigeria at a loss.
| Then Microsoft corrupted Nigerian officials with 400 thousand dollars to
| install Windows XP on those instead of Mandriva Linux.
Negroponte says Intel should be "ashamed of itself"
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| He is furious that Intel's CEO Craig Barrett called the One Laptop a
| gadget. The Negroponte initiative is caught in the middle of a vicious
| fight between AMD and Intel, he said.