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[News] Another Research Reveals Linux Domination in the Embedded Space

Embedded Linux research report ships

,----[ Quote ]
| EDC noted that some 40 percent of the survey's 500 respondents were targeting 
| embedded Linux.  
| [...]
| Also in the earlier reports, Andrews observed that the need for RTOS source 
| code was "one of the reasons that proprietary RTOSes created in-house for a 
| specific system have long been popular, and now it's a primary motivating 
| factor in the adoption of Embedded Linux."   
| The now completed survey results are said to include "expert analysis" from 
| Ann Thryft, a 20-year industry veteran. The report includes chapters on 
| platforms, processors, tools, languages, security, target devices, mobile 
| development, and of course, Linux.   


Cavium Networks is close to Linux too on the face of it:

Cavium Networks Introduces New OCTEON Plus Based PCI-Express Accelerator Cards
for Networking, Storage and Security Applications

,----[ Quote ]
| The OCTEON XL Express family is supported by a rich set of x86 host system
| software, including a portable PCI-e driver with standard LINUX support and
| C-language API's for offloading compression/decompression, RAID,
| De-Duplication, SSL, TCP, and crypto processing. For users looking to add
| proprietary processing features to the OCTEON XL Express accelerators, a
| full software development kit for OCTEON Multi-core MIPS64 processors is
| available. Cavium Networks' Software Development Kit includes Linux, GNU
| tool-chain, GDB development environment and popular third party tool-chain
| and development support that enables thousands of C/C++ applications to be
| easily ported. For fast-path and data-plane applications OCTEON also
| supports a C-language, high-performance simple executive. Additionally,
| Cavium Networks provides APIs or production quality software toolkits for
| IPsec, iSCSI, SSL, SRTP, TCP and RAID. OCTEON is also supported by third
| party standard operating systems including Linux?, WindRiver? Linux or
| VxWorks?, and MontaVista? Linux.


Sheesh! Microsoft wants the world to believe that computer is desktop is
desktop is Windows is Windows^. Never mind if mobile and device sales outpace
the 'desktop' by _orders of magnitude_. The mastery of disinformation.


Embedded developers and kernel hackers: can they work together?

,----[ Quote ]
| In many ways, Andrew Morton's keynote set the tone for this year's Embedded 
| Linux Conference (ELC) by describing the ways that embedded companies and  
| developers can work with the kernel community in a way that will be "mutually 
| beneficial". Morton provided reasons, from a purely economic standpoint, why 
| it makes sense for companies to get their code into the mainline kernel. He 
| also provided concrete suggestions on how to make that happen. The theme of 
| the conference seemed to be "working with the community" and Morton's speech 
| provided an excellent example of how and why to do just that.      


Days ago:

Embedded Linux Workshop Proves Big Attraction at Hi-Tech Developers Event

,----[ Quote ]
| The organisers of this year's Embedded Masterclass have announced that their 
| Embedded Linux Workshops are close to being completely sold out, weeks before  
| the event. 



Microsoft Worried Over Linux Dominance In Embedded Space

,----[ Quote ]
| Renames its family of products to target the embedded market.


Who's afraid of embedded Linux? Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| ...Microsoft is fighting a losing battle here. It's like gravity. 
| Eventually you just stop fighting and learn to accept it. Even Microsoft. 


Linux kernel maintainer calls for embedded specialist

,----[ Quote ]
| The maintainer of Linux 2.6 has called for a full-time, 
| architecture-independent "embedded maintainer." Speaking at a CELF's fourth 
| annual Embedded Linux Conference, Morton also told embedded developers how to 
| select a kernel, get support from the kernel community, and decide whether to 
| submit code to mainline.    


Linux the fastest-growing smartphone OS

,----[ Quote ]
| Meanwhile, in the world's largest mobile phone market (China), Linux already 
| has a 30 percent share, CCID Consulting Company said in March. 


Linux still top embedded OS

,----[ Quote ] 
| In a new whitepaper on Linux in the embedded market, VDC researchers cite the 
| following reasons for Linux's popularity: 
|     * Licensing cost advantages
|     * Flexibility of source code access
|     * General familiarity
|     * Maturing ecosystem of applications and tools
|     * Growing developer experience with Linux as an embedded OS


Why Ubuntu on ARM Could be a Rich Seam

,----[ Quote ]
| ARM today announced that the total number of processors shipped by its 
| Partners has exceeded ten billion. 
|              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| [...]
| A Nokia-sponsored project is porting Ubuntu Linux to the ARM architecture.


,----[ Quote ]
| Around 98% of the world's CPUs manufactured are used in embedded systems.


Four billion embedded systems shipped in '06



Linux to grow 278% in embedded/mobile/real-time apps

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux use in "next" embedded, mobile, and real-time projects will grow 278 
| percent over that in "previous" projects, suggests a recent survey by Venture 
| Development Corp. (VDC).   


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