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[News] US Government Project Embraces Free Software

Utah Pilots Open Source Infectious Disease Management System

,----[ Quote ]
| Collaborative Software Initiative (CSI) today announced the release of the 
| first open source, Web-based infectious disease reporting and management 
| system.  


If the taxpayers fund it, it's natural to give it back to the public.


UK government launches open source CO2 calculatorUK government launches open
source CO2 calculator

,----[ Quote ]
| Back in March the UK’s Conservative Party vowed to encourage the adoption
| of open source adoption if elected at the next General Election.*
| Today the Labour Party did its bit by releasing the code behind its new 
| carbon footprint calculator under the general public license.


Petition the UK Government to protect GPL software

,----[ Quote ]
| Since software patents may threaten this fundamentally important freedom, we 
| propose that software published under the GNU General Public Licence (version  
| 3 and above) be given immunity from prosecution from patent infringement 
| under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act.  


SSC to release portal code under GPL

,----[ Quote ]
| "I wrote a few weeks ago about how they should consider releasing software 
| under the GPL," Christie writes. "Well, they have taken that on board and 
| agreed to work with Catalyst to release the code for behind the new 
| government portal (newzealand.govt.nz) under the GPL. I thought this was a 
| great demonstration of how willing government agencies are to engage and take 
| on board alternate ideas."     


Report: Linux, open source greener than Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| A new report from the U.K. Office of Government Commerce about Open
| Source Software Trials in Government, has found that servers running
| Linux could combat the rising problem of e-waste because they last
| up to twice as long as machines running Windows.


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