On Sun, 18 May 2008 10:44:34 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
> On Sun, 18 May 2008 12:03:33 +0200, Hadron wrote:
>> Andrew Halliwell <spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> Ian Semmel <anyone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Back after about 12 months, the Newsgroup hasn't moved !
>>>> Schestowitless's posts are the same as they were then I'm sure.
>>>> Some people might give him points for perseverance but most would say
>>>> that someone who spends their entire life banging their head against
>>>> a brick wall is a bit lacking.
>>> Notice you've not complained about doofy, hardon, zeek or any of the
>>> other wintrolls in this post...
>> What wintrolls? Where do I extoll the virtues of Windows? For someone
>> who shows off his degree so often you sure seem to be a bit dim.
> Same here.
> I've even gone on record many times stating my dislike for Vista.
> But as usual, the Linux advocates can't handle hearing about the short
> comings of their beloved Linux.
> They prefer to sit here and slam Microsoft, hold hands, sit in a circle
> and meditate to Linus's voice.
> Except for Linonut who can't hear anything because his head is so far up
> Roy's ass.
So, if Linux is so bad, why do you and your family continue to use it?