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[News] GNU/Linux Laptops Available from Wal-Mart, Shuttle's Linux (K)PC Reviews

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Linux PCs still available at Wal-Mart: Just not the one down the road

,----[ Quote ]
| Yes, Wal-Mart is selling gOS Linux-powered Everex laptops, but then again 
| they never stopped selling them. What they did so was stop selling them at 
| their retail stores. Today, if you want an Everex gOS PC you need to go to 
| the Wal-Mart Web site.   


Shuttle KPC K-4500

,----[ Quote ]
| Perhaps the biggest difference is the way you acquire new software. The 
| operating system has a useful update feature that lets you look for and 
| install new components. We've already updated multiple times over the course 
| of this review. For new applications, you can't simply download an EXE file 
| from the Web and expect it to work. Instead you need to find programs that 
| are compatible with your specific version of Linux (in this case Foresight), 
| or compile the source code yourself.      
| Assuming that a Linux novice might find your average compiler a bit 
| intimidating, the alternative is Foresight's Add/Remove software feature. 
| Here you can search an online database of Foresight-approved applications 
| available for download. We used this feature to track down the DVD and MP3 
| file codecs. Our only complaint is that it doesn't have a interface you can 
| browse, or any other means to see what applications are available without 
| searching blindly on keywords. Understanding both the software compatibility 
| limitations, as well as the means for adding programs the K-4500 can use, 
| will be one of the challenges for someone inexperienced with Linux.        
| We don't normally test Linux-based desktops, so we had to whip up a few 
| custom benchmarks for the K-4500. We built two basic tests using Audacity and 
| JAlbum, a music player and photo album tool, respectively, that are free, 
| open-source programs that run on Linux, Windows, and OS X-based systems. For 
| comparison against the K-4500, we used two eMachines desktops, the $350 
| eMachines T3642, and the $430 T5246.      



FUD Alert! Wal-Mart, Everex & Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Monday, the Associated Press released a story on Wal-Mart’s decision to 
| discontinue the line of Everex Green gPCs in their brick-and-mortar stores. 
| It appears that the retail giant has discovered that the demand for low-cost 
| ($199USD) computers is much higher online than in the stores, so they decided 
| to make the offering a web-only one, freeing up valuable floor and shelf 
| space for other products that do sell well in the stores.     
| [...]
| Finally, I’d like to add that while the bulk of this article concerns 
| Wal-Mart and Everex, and to an extent Linux, the AP still felt it was 
| necessary to give Microsoft billing in the very first line (not that Redmond 
| minds the much-needed free advertising, of course)! The AP just wants to make 
| sure that everyone knows that this was a Linux-only phenomenon and rest 
| assured that sales of machines loaded with Microsoft Corp’s Windows operating 
| system were in no way impacted.      


Please Note: Wal-Mart is STILL SELLING Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Gotta love tech bloggers and so called 'journalists'. There is alot of buzz 
| in tech media this week related to an AP report that claims that Wal-Mart is 
| dropping the Everex Linux PC's.  
| Reality is that just as you could last week, you can go to Wal-Mart.com (and 
| here I'll make it easy for you and even give you the link: 
| http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=8304655) and buy the 
| Everex gPC today.   



Acer: PC industry 'disappointed' with Vista

,----[ Quote
| Acer president Gianfranco Lanci became the first major PC manufacturer to 
| openly attack Microsoft over the Windows Vista operating system in the 
| Financial Times Deutschland on Monday.  
| Lanci said the operating system was riddled with problems and gave users and 
| businesses no reason to buy a new PC, according to the report. Taiwan-based 
| Acer is the world's fourth-largest PC manufacturer, after HP, Dell and 
| Lenovo. 
| "The whole industry is disappointed with Windows Vista," Lanci said. 


DSG continues retailer woes

,----[ Quote ]
| DSG, the company formerly known as Dixons, became the latest British retailer 
| to report a drop in profits for the summer months today. But it wasn’t all 
| down to the rotten weather – this time it was also Microsoft’s fault.  

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