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[News] [SOT] Nicolas 'MPAAcrosoft' Sarkozy is Losing War for Monopolies

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The Struggles of France's Three Strikes Law

,----[ Quote ]
| As 2008 began, the international music industry was proudly predicting the 
| dawning of a new age of co-operation between rightsholders, Internet 
| companies and governments. The dynamic new President of France, Nicolas 
| Sarkozy, together with Denis Olivennes, the head of France's largest consumer 
| electronics and media retailer, had announced a new policy of "graduated 
| response" for the French Net. Users accused of repeated copyright 
| infringement online would be first warned, then suspended from the online 
| world, and finally banned for a year if they did not tow the line. Music 
| industry representatives heralded it as a model that should be imitated 
| across the globe: in IFPI's 2008 report, its CEO John Kennedy said this was 
| the year that "ISP responsibility" for protecting the music industry "becomes 
| a reality".           
| Six months on from the original Olivennes report, with growing objections 
| across Europe, collapsing support for Sarkozy's administration at home, and 
| still no "three strikes" law on any statute books, the entertainment industry 
| is getting a little antsy. Last week, the French RIAA, le Syndicat national 
| de l'édition phonographique (SNEP), announced a deadline to Sarkozy's 
| ministers.      



Sarkozy’s broadband tax plan snagged by Eurocrats

,----[ Quote ]
| THE EU COMMISSION has warned that France’s quest for universal internet 
| access would be hampered by a presidential proposal to tax broadband usage.  
| The plan is to supplement the licence fee for public broadcast television and 
| radio which has a funding shortfall due to the decision to abolish 
| advertising in order to 'raise standards'.   
| Speaking in Paris this week, EU Telecoms Commissioner Viviane Reding, 
| condemned President Sarkozy’s proposal arguing it contradicted his own 
| ambition to make broadband available to all French people.  


Sarkozy intervenes in France to revert the OOXML position

,----[ Quote ]
| Confidential sources say that President Sarkozy has intervened himself in the 
| French position on Microsoft OOXML, asking members of the committee to revert 
| their position, and support an abstention. Our sources say he was approached 
| by a lobbyist during his 3-days trip in England. The intervention has been 
| made on Friday.    


Europe rejects plan to criminalize file-sharing

,----[ Quote ]
| France's so-called Oliviennes strategy to combat copyright abuse includes 
| a "three strikes and you are out" approach: offenders lose the right to an 
| Internet account after being caught sharing copyright-protected music over 
| the Internet for a third time.   


Sweden Rejects Sarkozy’s War on File Sharing

,----[ Quote ]
| French President Nicolas Sarkozy wants to disconnect European file sharers 
| from the Internet. The idea is already in the process of being realized in 
| France, and will according to Sarkozy be a step toward “a civilized Internet” 
| where ISPs watch the information that their customers exchange.   



,----[ Quote ]
| [Nicolas] Sarkozy and his family have been vacationing at 
| a lakefront estate in Wolfeboro owned by former Microsoft Corp. executive 
| Michael Appe.


Fran Nevrkla Identifies a Copyright Gap

,----[ Quote ]
| The support for Commissioner McCreevy came from the French President Nicolas 
| Sarkozy. Soon after taking office, he set up a commission, led by the head of 
| the major retail chain FNAC, to look into copyright and the creative 
| industries. Alongside recommendations on ISP responsibility, the commission 
| proposed extending copyright and this will be on the agenda when the French 
| Government assumes the Presidency of the European Union in July this year.     


Is Sarko Uxorious?

,----[ Quote ]
| What this neglects to take into account is the fact that falling into the 
| public domain is a gain for the public - and hence the actual moment when it 
| becomes part of the "national pop heritage" - and that the gain vastly 
| outweighs any minimal effect it has on ageing rockers' royalties. 
| Unfortunately, with this action, as with others (including the "three strikes 
| and you're out" approach to fighting filesharing), Sarkozy shows himself to 
| be an old man - however young his new wife may be.      



Lessig: Required Reading: the next 10 years

,----[ Quote ]
| Yet governments continue to push ahead with this idiot idea -- both Britain
| and Japan for example are considering extending existing terms. Why?
| The answer is a kind of corruption of the political process. Or better,
| a "corruption" of the political process. I don't mean corruption in the
| simple sense of bribery. I mean "corruption" in the sense that the
| system is so queered by the influence of money that it can't even get
| an issue as simple and clear as term extension right.


RIAA, MPAA urge pro-copyright vows from presidential candidates

,----[ Quote ]
| One question, for instance, asks: "How would you promote the progress of 
| science and creativity, as enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, by upholding 
| and strengthening copyright law and preventing its diminishment?"  


France set to experience a revolution in public broadcast television

,----[ Quote ]
| French president Nicolas Sarkozy wants to ban advertising on public 
| television and replace the income stream with a tax on mobile phones and 
| Internet accounts. "Our national television must provide quality and access 
| to culture; it must not be shaped solely by commercial considerations," said 
| Sarkozy in Paris on Tuesday.    

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