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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Afraid of Free Software, Pompous Patent Troll Myhrvold Awaits

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Afraid of Free Software, Pompous Patent Troll Myhrvold Awaits
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 17:37:09 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
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The sum of Microsoft’s fears

,----[ Quote ]
| It’s nice for you to admit your guys are running scared. They should be. 


All Things D: Nathan Myhrvold, Founder of Intellectual Ventures

,----[ Quote ]
| Calacanis had an interesting question: Is IV making an unethical land grab 
| for patents? His answer was that he didn't know how to answer that question, 
| except that people might complain if he has a lot of success, but no one was 
| going to give him back his money. (Fair enough—B.L.)   
| Guy from Intel asks if an unintended consequence of IV's patent action and 
| speculation is that big companies would keep extending patents to protect 
| them. Nathan says it's BS. Most companies are doing R&D with a little R and a 
| BIG D. They need to put more into the research. If people know they can spin 
| out inventions, like they do divisions, they'll be more likely to do more 
| research.     
| "If you're not doing something that is somewhat threatening to the apple 
| cart, you're not doing something interesting." 


This guy's mentality is an issue. Many people would say he needs to be exiled
because he's knowingly ruining his country and economy (and he just doesn't


Ideas Are Everywhere... So Why Do We Limit Them?

,----[ Quote ]
| Gladwell uses this to talk up what Myhrvold is doing, suggesting that
| Intellectual Ventures is really about continuing that process, getting those
| ideas out there -- but he misses the much bigger point: if these ideas are
| the natural progression, almost guaranteed to be discovered by someone sooner
| or later, why do we give a monopoly on these ideas to a single discoverer?
| Myhrvold's whole business model is about monopolizing all of these ideas and
| charging others (who may have discovered them totally independently) to
| actually do something with them. Yet, if Gladwell's premise is correct (and
| there's plenty of evidence included in the article), then Myhrvold's efforts
| shouldn't be seen as a big deal. After all, if it wasn't Myhrvold and his
| friends doing it, others would very likely come up with the same thing sooner
| or later.
| This is especially highlighted in one anecdote in the article, of Myhrvold
| holding a dinner with a bunch of smart people... and an attorney. The group
| spent dinner talking about a bunch of different random ideas, with no real
| goal or purpose -- just "chewing the rag" as one participant put it. But the
| next day the attorney approached them with a typewritten description of 36
| different inventions that were potentially patentable out of the dinner. When
| a random "chewing the rag" conversation turns up 36 monopolies, something is
| wrong. Those aren't inventions that deserve a monopoly.


In the Air

,----[ Quote ]
| Nathan Myhrvold met Jack Horner on the set of the “Jurassic Park” sequel in
| 1996.
| [...]
| But then, in August of 2003, I.V. held its first invention session, and it
| was a revelation. “Afterward, Nathan kept saying, ‘There are so many
| inventions,’ ” Wood recalled. “He thought if we came up with a half-dozen
| good ideas it would be great, and we came up with somewhere between fifty and
| a hundred. I said to him, ‘But you had eight people in that room who are
| seasoned inventors. Weren’t you expecting a multiplier effect?’ And he
| said, ‘Yeah, but it was more than multiplicity.’ Not even Nathan had any idea
| of what it was going to be like.”
| The original expectation was that I.V. would file a hundred patents a year.
| Currently, it’s filing five hundred a year. It has a backlog of three
| thousand ideas.



Who is the world's biggest patent troll?

,----[ Quote ]
| In two consecutive days, The Wall Street Journal presented two different
| answers. The first is not surprising: Intellectual Ventures, the brainchild
| of ex-Microsoft executive Nathan Myhrvold. It's now out "to raise as much as
| $1 billion to help develop and patent inventions, many of them from
| universities in Asia."  


Playing Microsoft Patent Poker

,----[ Quote ]
| This time though, while Ballmer slinks away to try to con … convince people
| that Microsoft Unified Communications somehow offers people more than what
| Cisco's VOIP (voice over IP) been offering customers for years, a patent
| attack finally launches at Linux. Specifically, IP Innovation, a subsidiary
| of Acacia Technologies Group, has filed a patent infringement claim against
| Linux distributors Novell and Red Hat.    
| So was it just timing, or was it something more? Let's take a look at the
| players.  


Top Ten Patent Trolls of 2007

,----[ Quote ]
| 3. Acacia. I didn't start tracking Acacia carefully until the summer. But
| still, on my blog I have reported on over two dozen lawsuits brought by
| Acacia this year, against more than 235 defendants. That's in addition to the
| over 200 lawsuits Acacia filed in previous years against hundreds and
| hundreds of defendants. And that's not including the two lawsuits (at least)
| Acacia has filed in December against 20 more defendants (yes, Acacia, I'm
| watching you). Acacia's business model, as a publicly traded company, is to
| accumulate patents and sue as many companies as possible in order to extract
| licenses. They have a market cap of over 275 million - that pays for a lot of
| lawsuits. Unlike other trolls, Acacia tends to not focus on one court in
| particular, although they have sampled the Eastern District of Texas more
| this year than in the past.

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