Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> ____/ SomeBloke on Wednesday 21 May 2008 15:14 : \____
>> Here's an interesting opinion from Vint Cerf.
>> A sample,
>> <quote>
>> We will also be confronted with a kind of "information decay" in which
>> digital objects become less and less accessible owing to the age of the
>> software that created it.
>> As an example: it is already a challenge to watch videos posted on the
>> BBC
>> website in 1997.
>> Imagine trying to watch the same video in 100 years. Or in one thousand
>> years.
>> It's not only file formats that change, though. Changes in computer
>> programs, operating systems and even the hardware that we use to build
>> computers will accentuate the challenge of keeping digital information
>> meaningful.
>> This raises a host of intellectual property questions that will almost
>> certainly need to be considered.
>> </quote>
> Publish And Perish
> "So far there's no business case for digital preservation--in fact, for
> software makers like Microsoft, planned obsolescence is the plan."
> - --
> ~~ Best of wishes
Do you recall the major project by the BBC called the Domesday Project to
record a snapshot of Britain onto laser disc in the 1980's. Now the discs
are obsolete and according to this reference
( the
information was only rescued because one(!) surviving player was working
and a team who spent a year recording the info again.
That is just one example, and I don't think planned obsolescence has
anything to do with it. Depending on one format is foolish and
shortsighted. Yet libraries and museums, let alone businesses do it all the
time. Quickbooks anyone?