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[News] GNU/Linux Comes to More Cars With New Collaboration

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Wind River, Intel ride Linux into car market

,----[ Quote ]
| Intel and Wind River Systems have teamed up to create a Linux/x86 platform 
| for car electronics, which will debut at the Telematics Detroit 2008 
| conference today (May 20). The offering is based on Intel's low-power Atom 
| processor and a new variant of Wind River's embedded Linux.   


Linux Soon to be in your Car

,----[ Quote ]
| Thanks to a new joint effort between Intel and Wind River, you may soon be 
| running Linux in your car. 


Intel and Wind River driving Linux infotainment systems to cars

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux is in our computers, our phones, our Wi-Fi equipment, and our TiVos — 
| why not our cars? Intel Corp. and Wind River have been working with both the 
| embedded and automotive industries to advance in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) 
| with open, Linux-based, standards-based, interoperable hardware and software 
| called Open Infotainment Platforms (OIP).    


Still a winner in embedded systems, which come to desktops too....

Quick-boot Linux environment makes a splash

,----[ Quote ]
| Asus says it plans to ship over a million Splashtop-ready motherboards per 
| month, making this one of the largest Linux deployments ever. 



Car computer runs Red Flag Linux

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| Red Flag Linux is a Chinese version of Linux based on Asianux.


Vehicle-mount computer runs Debian Etch

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| The MT7550 clocks its AMD Geode GX533 processor at 400 MHz, includes both 
| Bluetooth and 802.11b/g wireless capabilities, and comes standard with Debian 
| Linux 4.0 ("Etch").  


Rugged, fanless vehicle PC runs Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Acrosser has introduced a compact, fanless computer aimed at the harsh 
| environments found in trucks, taxis, and other vehicular applications. The 
| AR-ES0831FL runs Linux on Pentium and Celeron M processors, and meets 
| IEC-68-2-6 vibration and IEC-68-2-27 shock standards, according to the 
| company.    


In-vehicle Linux system assists first responders

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| U.K.-based Thorcom Systems Ltd is shipping a rugged, Debian Linux-based, 
| in-vehicle computer intended for emergency first responders. T


Debian Linux controls copter-like UAV [Unmanned Aerial Vehicle]

,----[ Quote ]
| Trek Aerospace used Debian Linux and open-source flight control
| software to build an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) capable of
| vertical take-off and landing (VTOL). The Oviwun weighs about
| six pounds, fits in a backpack, and includes a GPS system that
| enables autonomous flight and position control. 


Driver-Free Car Runs Ubuntu Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| This automated vehicle uses a dozen Intel Core 2 processors, but at the 
| bottom of the software stack is Ubuntu 6.06 "Dapper Drake" Linux. Ubuntu 6.06 
| was chosen for being an LTS (Long Term Support) release. Perhaps next year's 
| vehicle will be running Ubuntu 8.04?    


Linux Powered PS3 to be used in DARPA Urban Challenge

,----[ Quote ]
| With four years of autonomous racing experience and using Yellow Dog Linux, 
| San Diego's Axion Racing is excited about showing folks other things that can 
| be done using a PlayStation console.  


Linux well-positioned in booming telematics market

,----[ Quote ]
| In five years, 30 million cars or 44 percent of the global total will ship 
| with telematics devices such as navigation computers, safety systems, 
| and "infotainment" systems, a study claims. The ABI Research report also 
| forecasts a vibrant outlook for after-market telematics devices, where Linux 
| has seen some success.    


Finland's 'Open Source' Electric Car Plan

,----[ Quote ]
| When I think of faraway Finland, I think of long, dark winters, saunas, 
| reindeer and Nokia cellular telephones. I don't think of electric cars... 
| until now.  

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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