Here I am, with my little business, dumping some 30% of my modest annual
profits into the great big pot "for the common good". I have no real
problems with that -- I find that good health care, education, old-age
benefits etcetera quite make up for it, although I hate the idea that a
part of that money is used to build more roads and demolish what little
nature we have left here. Ah well, you can't have it all.
One would expect Microsoft to pay a nice tax sum as well -- after all,
they're making billions, and Microsod and the BSA are always blabbering
about how using Microsoft crap^H^H^H^Hsoftware and fighting piracy is "good
for the economy" etcetera. AND Bill Gates is blabbering about all the
charity that Microsoft does, push^H^H^H^Hgiving away free software "worth
billions" ...
Turns out that these parasitic bastards use a tax avoidance scam by
funneling all their profits through Ireland, in effect paying only €460.000
in taxes over annual UK profits exceeding € 1.2 billion, in effect paying
only 0,04% in taxes.
It's sickening. In my opinion, every self-respecting (and tax-paying!)
business should be making plans to abandon the products of these greedy
bloodsuckers, who just take money and give nothing back.
Richard Rasker