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[News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Spreads in the Republic of China

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校园推广Ubuntu 8.10(青岛大学)

,----[ Quote ]
| From LinuxToday: "Many students take part in the meetup and there are many 
| girl to try and test the Ubuntu Linux. The beginner ware taught some linux 
| commands for normal application."  


Mark S.:

This is not the end of capitalism

,----[ Quote ]
| So regulation is extremely difficult, but also very much worth investing in 
| if you are trying to run a healthy, vibrant, capitalist society. 
| Coming back to the original suggestion that sparked this blog - I’m sure we 
| will see a lot of failed capitalists in the future. Hell, I might join their 
| ranks, I wouldn’t be the first ;-). But that doesn’t spell the end of 
| capitalism, only the opportunity to start again - smarter.   


"It's easier for our software to compete with Linux when there's piracy than
when there's not."            

                                --Bill Gates, last year


Chinese software company to tailor OpenOffice

,----[ Quote ]
| RedFlag produces a Chinese variation of OpenOffice.org called
| RedOffice. The company is a subsidiary of the Chinese Academy of Science.


China has its own open document format

,----[ Quote ]
| Put this in your pipe and smoke it: China has its own open document
| format, the Uniform Office Format (UOF), that they are working to
| harmonize with ODF...
| All the plotting and planning here in the US was for absolutely
| nothing. ODF wins.


Converter Enables Conversion Between ODF & Chinese Document Format (UOF)

,----[ Quote ]
| Peking University recently released a program to convert office
| documents between OpenDocument Format and the Specification for
| the Chinese office file format based on XML (UOF for short).



CCID Consulting: China's Linux Market up by 30.9% in 2007Q1

,----[ Quote ]
| As for industry segments, Linux market growth was mainly concentrated
| in the government, financial services and telecom sectors, which accounted
| for a market share of 34%, 22.5% and 21.2% respectively.


,----[ Quote ]
| "China has long been seen as a fertile ground for Linux and other open
| source software. In a country where more than 90% of software in use
| is pirated, it seems like a natural fit."


Linux Set to Soar in China


Government says all new PCs must be Linux-friendly


China looks to open-source community for advice

,----[ Quote ]
| China is counting on senior members of the open-source community to
| help formulate policy ideas to promote open-source software, according
| to a local software executive.
| The China Open-Source Software Promotion Union (COPU), a government-backed
| industry group, has established a think tank comprised of 19 prominent
| open-source executives from overseas to develop a framework for better
| international cooperation.


China's Linux Adoption Threat to Microsoft?

,----[ Quote ]
| Most recently, China has been placing their bets on Linux over Windows as
| the dominant OS for their needs. And one of the best examples of this on
| the desktop front would have to be with Turbolinux. The distribution has
| been so widely accepted by the Chinese that even HP has decided to begin
| selling PCs with the OS preinstalled for distribution. But it doesn't
| stop there. China has a distribution of its very own; you may know it as
| Red Flag Linux.


China to produce $125 (Linux) PC

,----[ Quote ]
| A Chinese outfit is hoping to release a PC which will hit the shops with a
| price tag of $125.


Xinjiang Clusters Panasas

,----[ Quote ]
| Currently, Xinjiang Oil Company is running 12 Panasas Storage Clusters
| in conjunction with 600-node Linux clusters at the company's Department
| of Earth Science in western China.
| [...]
| "The object-based Panasas storage solution totally turns things around
| by giving us the things we were looking for--high performance,
| expansibility, stability, dependability, and simplified management...


China gets a lesson on Open Source Intellectual Property Rights

,----[ Quote ]
| The Open Invention Network (OIN) hosted a panel discussion in Beijing
| last Wednesday, October 11th... The emergence of organizations such as
| OIN and Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) is very positive to the
| Open Source Movement. It legitimizes the grass roots efforts of Linux
| Champions, such as Linus Torvalds and Richard Stallman.


Car PCs mount in dashboards, run Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Hong Kong based mini-PC manufacturing specialist SD-Omega has added
| a pair of high-end models to its extensive line of more than 20
| Linux-friendly car PC models. The SD631C and PCI-slot-equipped
| SD631CH support Intel Pentium M and Celeron M processors at over
| 2GHz, and include car-specific features.


Behind the upsurge in Chinese open source communities

,----[ Quote ]
| Part of the momentum behind this change comes from the Chinese
| government, which now regards open source communities as a key to
| its software industry and will put more resources toward them in its
| eleventh Five-Year-Plan period (2006-2010). "As a banner of China's
| Linux industry, Red Flag no doubt has more responsibilities to
| advocate the government's new tactic.


Ubuntu's official launch in China

,----[ Quote ]
| Mark Shuttleworth, founder of the Ubuntu project, was in Beijing
| last week for  Ubuntu's official China launch. The event was
| overwhelmingly successful.


RPLinux: China's Answer to the $100 PC

,----[ Quote ]
| What do you think? Can China succeed in making a true seamless blend of
| their Linux distribution of choice with their home grown hardware? It's
| no small feat to be sure; however, I personally believe that they are
| likely up to the challenge.


Red Hat sees FY07 greater China sales up 100 pct

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Hat Inc., a distributor of open-source Linux software, expects its
| sales in the greater China region to double in fiscal 2007 and grow by
| 85 percent in fiscal 2008, an executive said on Tuesday. "Our plan is to
| have 100 percent growth this year, and 85 percent growth next year,"
| Michael Chen, general manager of Red Hat China, told Reuters in an
| interview.


China's Digit Digit Adds Linux-based Flames

,----[ Quote ]
| The latest version of the VFX system - Flame 2007 - takes advantage of
| 64-bit multi-core computing, storage and networking technologies to
| provide large productivity gains for users performing compositing,
| tracking, color correction and visual effects.


Wake Up Morning Post

,----[ Quote ]
| Open Source companies in China can't look to the likes of IBM, SUN
| and Novell to bring them out of their closets through acquisition,
| partnerships or staunching Microsoft's growth. Chinese companies are
| going to have to learn to compete as their Western peers have.


IBM to Shift China Focus Toward Tech, Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| "Our business is changing, so our investment in China will also
| change," said Michael Cannon-Brookes, IBM's vice-president of
| business development for China and India.
| He said the technology firm's investments will go to areas such as
| IT service, business transformation, Linux operating systems, and
| people. IBM has already invested billions of U.S. dollars in China.


Red Flag Linux may be next on IBM's agenda

,----[ Quote ]
| Jollans also addressed a question about why IBM did not release its own
| Linux distribution several years ago.
| "We thought that if IBM was in the market as an 800-pound gorilla, it
| would have a negative effect on the Linux market. We won't do something
| that sets us against the community," he said.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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