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[News] Summary of Dutch Conference on Free Software

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T-DOSE 2008 Review

,----[ Quote ]
| This year was the third installment of the Technical Dutch Open Source Event 
| (T-DOSE). Just as last year it was held at the Fontys University of Applied 
| Science in Eindhoven. Speakers included Arnoud Engelfriet (European patent 
| attorney) and Ywein van den Brande on GPLv3 compliance, Roy Scholten 
| (Drupal), Bas de Lange (Syllable), Jean-Paul Saman (VideoLan), Jörn Engel 
| (logfs), Bert Boerland (Drupal), Tim Hemel (TMTTD) and many, many other 
| speakers. Unfortunately your editor was only able to attend on Sunday, but 
| the talks were great. Read on for more details.       


FSFE gave a presentation there about DRM. It's an issue that's discussed here

The GNU Affero General Public License and “DRM”

,----[ Quote ]
| Parts of the FLOSS community seem to have walked themselves into a similar 
| political problem as the creator/content industry proponents of DRM. The 
| content industry sees a “loophole” in the current content distribution system 
| that enables private citizens to easily widely distribute/communicate perfect 
| copies. Their proposed solution of locking down communications devices such 
| that they are not under the control of the owner has great unintended 
| consequences that will ultimately hurt creators and the content industry as 
| much (if not more) than sectors like the FLOSS sector. The FLOSS sector is 
| clearly opposed to DRM. It is important for people to realize that the 
| primary target for recent copyright reform (DMCA, 1996 WIPO treaties, C-60, 
| C-61) is not copyright infringers, but “enablers” (technology and services) 
| which are seen as that “loophole”. It is also important to realize that 
| individual creators need control over communications technology in order to 
| be creative, and these locks prevent creativity far more than they put up a 
| speed bump against copyright infringement.              
| Similar to the DRM situation, I believe the harm of the unintended 
| consequences of the AGPL will far exceed the potential benefits to the FLOSS 
| community. I will be avoiding this license and others like it, and I hope 
| that people who believe strongly in protecting software freedom will do the 
| same.    



25 Arguments for the Elimination of Copy Protection

,----[ Quote ]
| Can I begin with a few disclaimers? I believe that people who create things
| deserve to be rewarded for their efforts. Which means that I think that
| stealing entertainment and software is wrong. Actually, come to think of it,
| if there was a form of copy protection that was never a hassle for paying
| customers but which effectively prevented piracy, I might enthusiastically
| support it. (Go ahead, mock me if you must–I’ll wait.)


No need to burn books you can't read - DRM and public libraries

,----[ Quote ]
| As my correspondent says: "After all that I still couldn't open the document
| (which I've only opened once before) and got this. Now I know I haven't
| opened the document at another computer because this is my only computer with
| a printer - so I didn't open it anywhere else. I am never using this service
| again. The British Library, Microsoft and Adobe can go shove their DRM up
| their document delivery service exit. "
| This, let me reiterate, is a public body providing publicly paid-for research
| to a highly-qualified professional engaged in impeccable work for the public
| service.
| It is hard to imagine something more expensive, condescending, inaccurate,
| frustrating and enraging – nor something better calculated to restrict
| knowledge and broadcast ignorance.
| It's almost as if the parties involved actively want to prevent people
| learning. It certainly feels that way.


Wal-Mart Drops DRM Servers, Customers Lose Music

,----[ Quote ]
| To those of you who were loyal early adopters of Wal-Mart's music download
| service, Wal-Mart has a message for you: Say goodbye to your music. Since
| February Wal-Mart has offered only DRM-free songs for download, but before
| that customers of Wal-Mart's service could download songs encoded with DRM.
| BoingBoing picked up an e-mail Wal-Mart sent to its customers saying the DRM
| servers will be shut down on October 9, making it impossible for customers to
| transfer their DRM encoded music to a music device or another PC after that
| date.


7digital goes completely DRM free

,----[ Quote ]
| ONLINE MUSIC RETAILER 7digital.com has gone completely DRM free following a
| deal with Sony BMG which allows the sale of its catalogue in blissfully open
| MP3 format.


Rhapsody Opens Fire Against ITunes With DRM-free MP3s

,----[ Quote ]
| Music will come from most of the major record labels, which have increasingly
| moved to offer tracks without DRM in order to boost the attractiveness of
| buying music online.


Torvalds pleased that DRM music is dying

,----[ Quote ]
| Linus Torvalds, coordinator of the Linux kernel, is pleased that music
| publishers have started selling more DRM-free music -- last year he said the
| technology was a lot of "hot air".


Adobe, You Piece Of Shit!

,----[ Quote ]
| How was I able to read the book with Adobe Digital Reader version 1.0, but
| not with 1.5? I could not "authorize" my computer to read the book I paid
| for, so Adobe simply stole from me!


DRM Helps Spore Make History as The Most Pirated Game Ever

,----[ Quote ]
| Spore, a Sim-like game about the evolution of creatures, was recently
| released as one of the most anticipated games of the year. Our initial
| impressions were high with the release of SporeCreator. However, Spore itself
| failed to meet our expectations. In the end, we found the game to be too
| simple for our tastes.


Rhapsody Opens Fire Against ITunes With DRM-free MP3s

,----[ Quote ]
| Music will come from most of the major record labels, which have increasingly
| moved to offer tracks without DRM in order to boost the attractiveness of
| buying music online.


EA in Spore DRM climbdown

,----[ Quote ]
| Critics claim DRM limiting those who bought the hotly anticipated sim to only
| three installs amounts to no more than renting the software out, rather than
| selling it. DRM also prevented players from creating more than one user
| account per copy of Spore — even though the game's literature specifically
| states otherwise.
| As what is now a matter of routine with modern PC games, pirates managed to
| crack the game's DRM restrictions within a day of the game's release and
| hosted this de-restricted content on certain nefarious file-sharing websites.


Did 'Spore' copy protections backfire on EA?

,----[ Quote ]
| Enraged by what they call "draconian" copyright protections, thousands of
| people flooded Amazon.com to give the game a one-star rating. And now there
| seems to be another movement afoot, one that is far more likely to hit EA
| where it counts.
| What's the fuss about? Electronic Arts imposed copyright protections that
| limited the number of times a user can install the game to three. EA has
| likened the system to the limits imposed on songs bought through Apple's
| iTunes store (though in the case of iTunes, users can easily manage their
| libraries by specifying which computers are authorized to play their
| purchased content).


DRM Helps Spore Make History as The Most Pirated Game Ever

,----[ Quote ]
| Spore, a Sim-like game about the evolution of creatures, was recently
| released as one of the most anticipated games of the year. Our initial
| impressions were high with the release of SporeCreator. However, Spore itself
| failed to meet our expectations. In the end, we found the game to be too
| simple for our tastes.


What EA's botched Spore launch could learn from Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| If there is one thing that open source has taught us it's that there
| are "users" and there are "customers". Odds are that all of your customers
| will be users first, taking your software for a test drive and then deciding
| if they want to pay for it. It's all about getting people to consume your
| software.
| The video game industry remains one of the last hold-outs in the war against
| consumption. Instead of encouraging more use, EA royally botched the launch
| of Spore with a seriously misguided DRM choice.


EA to PC Gamers: “Install 3 times? Buy another copy”

,----[ Quote
| This can be triggered via using up your 3 activations and each time you
| change a piece of hardware, reformat your computer or install/upgrade a new
| operating system, it takes up one of the activations.


Mass Effect DRM goes too far

,----[ Quote ]
| PC GAMERS WHO have had their fill of online activation headaches with Windows
| will be pretty miffed to hear the latest anti-piracy scheme being dreamed up
| by top games publishers.
| In a post on Bioware's forums, producer Derek French has confirmed that two
| of the biggest PC titles of the year - Will Wright's Spore and the Xbox 360
| conversion of Mass Effect - will require ongoing, rolling 10-day activation
| over the internet.



Vista DRM to slow down high-end graphics? [update 1]

,----[ Quote ]
| We've posted before on how the Vista brand will change the PC gaming
| market. But how will the OS affect the gameplay experience itself?
| An in-depth analysis of the operating system's draconian digital
| rights management features suggests gamers might not be too happy
| with some of the system's unintended performance effects.


A Linux User's Perspective on the ITunes Store (and DRM in General)

,----[ Quote ]
| What if tomorrow you went to Best Buy or Walmart or Sam Goody and purchased a
| CD? What if, before you left the store, the salesman told you that although
| the CD was in all other respects a standard CD, that you could only play it
| if you owned a Pioneer or Sony stereo? Would that make any sense? Would it
| make you a bit hesitant about buying music from that store again?
| Well, if you purchase music or videos from the iTunes Store,
| [...]
| With content from the iTunes Store, however, users may find themselves a bit
| stuck if they ever want to make the switch to a more open computing platform,
| such as Linux. Because none of the DRM-restricted content from the iTunes
| Store will play on Linux. And it's all because that's how Apple wants it, to
| be honest, and not because of any technical limitation.


Apple's latest trick to enforce digital rights

,----[ Quote ]
| [...]
| With this version of iTunes, users were finding that music
| subjected to the old download-burn-rip would no longer
| load onto their iPods.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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