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[News] Digium Sells GNU/Linux Appliances

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Digium Reinvents AsteriskNOW

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| When Asterisk sponsor Digium, Inc. released AsteriskNOW, early in January 
| 2007, the stated aim was to provide an open-source telephony "appliance." Not  
| appliance as in hardware/software combo, but appliance as in 'all the 
| software you need to get a complete telephony application up and running'—
| even if you don't know a lot about Linux administration.   
| AsteriskNOW contained all necessary Linux components "built in" (and nothing 
| that was not needed) and came with AsteriskGUI, a simple graphical admin 
| module.   


"...Microsoft wished to promote SCO and its pending lawsuit against IBM and the
Linux operating system. But Microsoft did not want to be seen as attacking IBM
or Linux."

                        --Larry Goldfarb, BayStar


Digium: Driving Revenue in an Open Source World

,----[ Quote ]
| In the world of open source, it seems like a contradiction in terms for a 
| company focused on advancing open source communications solutions to also be 
| at work generating revenue. As difficult as this balance may seem, that is 
| exactly what Digium strives to do, and so far has been quite successful in 
| the process.    


Digium Takes Home Three More Industry Awards

,----[ Quote ]
| The company and its founder, Mark Spencer, have also appeared on 
| numerous “company to watch” and “influencer” lists, including 2008 
| installations from eWeek, Linux Magazine and VoIP-News.  


Digium's Open Source Voice Solution

,----[ Quote ]
| The unified communications space is very hot right now, and Digium, with its 
| open source approach, is getting plenty of notice. We caught up with them at 
| VoiceCon a couple of weeks ago.  


Digium Founder Mark Spencer Recounts the History of Open Source Asterisk PBX

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| Mark got started with Linux early in 1994 Slackware  (kernel version 1.09). 
| One of the few in Auburn, AL at the time  that knew anything about Linux. 
| After a stint with Adtran (a global provider of communications equipment) he 
| moved out on his own starting a company called Linux Support Services. Mark 
| traded his services for space in the back of a local computer store in 
| Huntsville, AL. He started by building his own computer and eventually built 
| his own phone switch informed by his experience developing GAIM (now Pidgin) 
| among other open source projects.         
| [...]
| He attributes their early success contributions from this technical audience 
| with contributions from hundreds of developers and feedback generated by over 
| a million downloads in 2007. They also benefited from the fact that 
| traditional telephone systems were very expensive and features didn’t 
| translate from one system to another. Asterisk was very cost effective, 
| configurable, and capable of VOIP in an industry with no clear leader. Also 
| there was a fundamental shift in the industry from hardware switches to 
| software switches.        



Junction Networks uses Asterisk to tailor VoIP to customer demands

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| Oeth is no stranger to open source. In the early '90s he started Interport 
| Communications, an ISP that eventually became the second largest in New York 
| City. In that business he got "very familiar" with Apache Web servers and a 
| host of open source tools. After he sold Interport, Oeth was looking for 
| another business. "Knowing all the advantages of open source, we saw a lot of 
| similarities between Apache and Asterisk. We knew we could install this, get 
| a conference bridge up and running, and have the cheapest one out there."      


Asterisk is no longer just a PBX footnote

,----[ Quote ]
| While Asterisk IP PBX software can be a boon for cash-strapped businesses 
| that need phone upgrades, the free, open source platform has also spawned a 
| host of for-profit vendors that charge for Asterisk professional services, 
| peripherals and software extensions and still manage to undercut the prices 
| charged by more established IP PBX vendors.    


InfoWorld Names Digium(R) Asterisk(R) a Top Technology Impacting 2008 IT

,----[ Quote ]
| InfoWorld reports, "a complete IP PBX released as open source under the GNU 
| Public License, Asterisk is built to run on commodity hardware, providing 
| considerable cost savings when compared with commercial alternatives, and it 
| leverages the open source community for additional testing, bug fixes, and 
| feature development."    


Digium Unveils Business-Class "Digium|Asterisk Marketplace"

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| New Digium website provides a one-stop destination for Asterisk-related 
| products and services 


Linux VoIP stack powers "kitchen communicator" design

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| Trolltech has announced a new spin on its Qtopia software stack for 
| Linux-based devices. 


Asterisk awakens open source love in telecom entrepreneur

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| Fribush's previous company produced Web telephony software for the online 
| dating industry. When that business was sold in 2006, he started looking for 
| his next project and noticed an interesting trend. "We were looking at the 
| Asterisk movement, and we started looking at some of the momentum," Fribush 
| says. "It was a big disrupter. And we thought that one of the missing pieces 
| was a turnkey solution where the application was actually hosted." Fribush 
| partnered with his friend Michael Rand to launch Aretta 
| Communications. "That's really the start of my open source background. I've 
| really always been a Microsoft guy. You get converted when you see the power 
| of open source tools. Now it is the majority of our infrastructure."         


Digium preps Asterisk Linux distribution

,----[ Quote ]
| "We developed our own GUI [which is] similar to Trixbox [distribution],
| but the purpose of AsteriskNow is to provide a distribution built
| around Asterisk technology so people can use it without the GUI," he
| said. "The GUI is the same as the Asterisk Appliance that looks
| like a Linksys router that runs Asterisk and has analogue ports."


Linux dominating VoIP devices?

,----[ Quote ]
| Trolltech says its development framework and software stack for mobile 
| devices was selected by Skype as the preferred platform for Skype-certified 
| VoIP (voice-over-IP) phones. Additionally, the Qtopia framework/stack has 
| been used in about 40 VoIP devices, making it the "dominant Linux 
| development platform for VoIP/WiFi devices," according to Trolltech. 


Digium Takes Best of Open Source Software Award

,----[ Quote
| Bossie judges singled out Digium for being the “most mature and scalable” IP 
| PBX currently available. 


Choice Open-Source VoIP News Nuggets

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| The folks who maintain FreePBX, the popular Asterisk graphical interface and 
| management system, held their first-ever Open Telephony Training Seminar last 
| month in Charleston, South Carolina. It sold out early and was a big success, 
| so there will be another one this May in Las Vegas. The course covers how to 
| market, sell, deploy, troubleshoot, customize, and administer 
| Asterisk/FreePBX systems. In addition, they added an optional "Day 0" that  
| provides a basic foundation in both Linux skills and FreePBX basics.     

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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