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[News] Andrew Cuomo And Australia Attack the Internet Using the "Child Pr0n" Excuse

  • Subject: [News] Andrew Cuomo And Australia Attack the Internet Using the "Child Pr0n" Excuse
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 02:42:30 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1


Does Child Porn Fight Thraten Privacy?

,----[ Quote ]
| Cuomo's "successes" in this battle already include forcing many ISPs to shut 
| down access to USENET forums, as well as contribute US$1.125 million to a New 
| York State fund dedicated to fighting child pornography. Cuomo's latest move 
| has privacy advocates up in arms: In conjunction with the CEO of the National 
| Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Cuomo has "passed on" a slide deck 
| from a company called Brilliant Digital Entertainment to AOL. Brilliant 
| produces a product called CopyRouter, which uses deep packet inspection to 
| allow ISPs to analyze every packet of information sent through their 
| networks.         


This only stifles innocent content and kills privacy although, in fact, that
can't stop swapping of data, e.g. using CDs. The MPAA/RIAA MAFIAA is proof of
this. Another illusionary war against {Child pr0n|TERROR~1} to just
marginalise the Web and its users as a whole.

The amazing thing is that people fear criticisng these people because if you
say "no", then you must be a pedophile or a terrorist! Another new example:

Labor's web gag 'worse than Iran'

,----[ Quote ]
| The Federal Government is attempting to silence critics of its controversial 
| plan to censor the internet, which experts say will break the internet while 
| doing little to stop people from accessing illegal material such as child 
| pornography.   
| Internet providers and the government's own tests have found that presently 
| available filters are not capable of adequately distinguishing between legal 
| and illegal content and can degrade internet speeds by up to 86 per cent.  
| Documents obtained by Fairfax Media show the office of the Communications 
| Minister, Stephen Conroy, tried to bully ISP staff into suppressing their  
| criticisms of the plan. 
| Senator Conroy has since last year's election victory remained tight-lipped 
| on the specifics of his $44.2 million policy but, grilled by a Senate 
| Estimates committee this week, he said the Government was looking at forcing 
| ISPs to implement a two-tiered filtering system.   



No opt-out of filtered Internet

,----[ Quote ]
| Australians will be unable to opt-out of the government's pending Internet
| content filtering scheme, and will instead be placed on a watered-down
| blacklist, experts say.


Conroy announces mandatory internet filters to protect children

,----[ Quote ]
| "Labor makes no apologies to those that argue that any regulation of the
| internet is like going down the Chinese road," he said.


Comcast, NetZero latest providers to bow to Cuomo's Usenet campaign

,----[ Quote ]
| But in reality, Cuomo's pressure tactics have misfired. They led Time Warner
| Cable to pull the plug on some 100,000 Usenet discussion groups, including
| such hotbeds of illicit content as talk.politics and
| misc.activism.progressive. Verizon Communications deleted such unlawful
| discussion groups as us.military, ny.politics, alt.society.labor-unions, and
| alt.politics.democrats. AT&T and Time Warner Cable have taken similar steps.


Verizon offers details of Usenet deletion: alt.* groups, others gone

,----[ Quote ]
| Cuomo claimed that his office found child porn on 88 newsgroups--out of
| roughly 100,000 newsgroups that exist. In a press release, he took credit for
| the companies' blunderbuss-style newsgroup removal by saying: "We are
| attacking this problem by working with Internet service providers...I commend
| the companies that have stepped up today to embrace a new standard of
| responsibility, which should serve as a model for the entire industry."
| [...]
| What this means in practice is that, thanks to the New York state attorney
| general, Verizon customers will lose out on innocent discussions. Verizon is
| retaining only eight newsgroup hierarchies, even though over 1,000
| hierarchies exist.


Usenet Villified In NY Deal With ISPs

,----[ Quote ]
| Time Warner Cable will turn off all newsgroup access, while Sprint plans to
| cut access to the whole alt.* segment. Verizon may follow Sprint's example.
| Blocking all newsgroups does appear to be a broad approach to a problem
| involving a minority of such groups. As with the Internet in general, not
| everything in Usenet poses a threat. But no one wants to be tainted with even
| a suggestion of being soft on child porn, hence the rush to apply censorship
| with a sweeping axe rather than a skillfully-wielded scalpel.



Australia to get net censorship

,----[ Quote ]
| The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) will be able to
| force content providers to take down offensive material and issue notices for
| live content to be stopped and links to the content deleted.  


Major Aussie ISP Telstra BigPond shafts open source OpenOffice

,----[ Quote ]
| Australia’s largest Internet service provider Telstra BigPond has removed the
| free open source office suite OpenOffice from its unmetered file download
| area following the launch of its own, free, hosted, office application,
| BigPond Office.  
| [...]
| Our reader was outraged by Telstra’s move, which he sees as an attack on the
| open source software movement.
| “The principle of the matter upsets me,” he said. “The fact that BigPond has
| removed previously allowed open source software is un-ethical. They are
| discriminating against me, even though I pay the same as other customers.  
| They are attacking the Free Software movement.”  


Australia to extend web censorship

,----[ Quote ]
| Privacy advocates take a dim view of this proposal, naturally. Roger Clarke,
| chair of the Australian Privacy Foundation, said "This government's extremism
| has reached new heights today." He asked "How can a politician claim the
| right to hold office if they set out to undermine the critical democratic
| right of freedom of speech, and blatantly decline to evaluate the impact of
| measures put before the Parliament?"    


Suit against blogger weaves legal web in Paris, Texas

,----[ Quote ]
| But there is little case law in Texas or nationally to give judges a standard
| for when to expose anonymous postings on the Internet.  


Web 'censorship' bill brings police state one stop closer  

,----[ Quote ]
| Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA) has slammed moves to give the Federal
| Police powers to ban access to certain Internet content as "another step in
| Australia's descent into a police state".  


Howard row over Wikipedia edits

,----[ Quote ]
| Staff in the Australian prime minister's department have been accused of
| editing potentially damaging entries in online encyclopaedia Wikipedia.


AT&T admits it censored other bands

,----[ Quote
| It looks like Pearl Jam isn't the only band that has had its politically
| charged comments bleeped from concerts streamed from AT&T's Blue Room Web
| site.  
| [...]
| AT&T quickly apologized for the incident and blamed the company that handles
| the Webcasting for performances on Blue Room.


AT&T slams Google over open-access wireless proposal

,----[ Quote ]
| AT&T has asked Capitol Hill not to enable an open nationwide wireless
| spectrum, claiming that Google's lobbying of such a network is a bid by the
| search giant to obtain broadband airwaves at bargain-basement prices.  


Microsoft and MySpace join Govt's fight against online predators

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has joined the likes of MySpace and the child protection advocacy
| group Bravehearts to help launch an extension of the Federal Government’s
| NetAlert initiative, the Consultative Working Group.  


Australia's porn-blocking plan unveiled

,----[ Quote ]
| While individual filters will be available beginning later this month,
| ISP-level blocking may take some time to implement. The Australian
| Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is currently planning a trial of
| ISP-level filtering in Tasmania that will inform the government's decision on
| a national launch.    


Yahoo!, Microsoft ink web pact with Chinese government

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft and Yahoo! have signed a pact with the Chinese government
| that "encourages" the big name web players to record the identities of
| bloggers and censor content. So says Reporters Without Borders, an
| organization that fights for journalistic rights across the globe.  


Chinese Internet dissident committed to mental hospital

,----[ Quote ]
| "It is not acceptable that Chinese authorities use such methods to silence
| citizens who have merely peacefully voiced their opinions", expressed the
| organisation in an announcement. Apparently authorities have not abandoned
| the practice of punishing those who have exposed the abuse of power and
| defied censorship by compulsorily committing them to mental institutions.    

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