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[News] Linux-based G1 Already More Function-rich Than iPhone?

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Android getting software keyboard in 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| Oh how I wish it was the new year already. I'd already have my Christmas 
| wish-list fulfilled, might win another jackpot at CES and Android handets 
| would have a software keyboard. One of my biggest gripes with the current and 
| only Android handset, the T-Mobile G1 is that you can't enter text without 
| sliding the screen up and turning the device into landscape mode. As I said 
| before, it gets really old really fast.     


So now it has an on-screen keyboard *and* a sliding physical one. iPhone can
ever have that because Apple monopolised the hardware, as usual.


Android Gets a Hand

,----[ Quote ]
| As I wrote last week, Android's USP is openness. Although that means open to
| everyone, there is arguably an advantage to open source coding on the Android
| platform. For a start, the methodology that Android employs will be totally
| familiar, as will the idea of building on pre-existing code.


Funambol Synchronizes with Google Android

,----[ Quote ]
| U.S. firm Funambol announces an Android version of its Open Source mobile
| sync application for the new Google/T-Mobile G1 phone.


Google's Android - The Promise

,----[ Quote ]
| The Linux kernel underlying both of them is covered by the GNU GPL. Unlike
| Apple, Google will not attempt to control the application ecosystem on top of
| the platform either. This is true openness.


Android vs. iPhone: No Contest for Developers

,----[ Quote ]
| "I'm not a big fan of cell phones generally, but Android-style openness -- if
| it remains as open as people hope it to be -- may change my mind on that,"
| Lord said. "I certainly hope that it puts an end to the foolishness of people
| paying dollars for ringtones, or [getting] funneled into awkward and
| expensive picture-sending systems just to get photos off their phone.
| Shouldn't every phone already allow users to drag and drop files?"


Hockenberry: App Store Policies 'Killing Our Enthusiasm'

,----[ Quote ]
| Along with Steven Frank, Fraser Speirs, Wil Shipley, and Brent Simmons,
| Hockenberry is yet another well-known and respected Macintosh developer
| expressing serious concern over his future iPhone development work.


SDK shoot-out: Android vs. iPhone

,----[ Quote ]
| The iPhone and Android phones both ship with Web browsers based on the WebKit
| rendering engine. That means Web applications designed for one will render
| almost identically on the other, provided their developers adhere to
| published standards. Those same applications will also render on WebKit-based
| desktop browsers, such as Safari and Google Chrome, and on any other browsers
| that implement the standards correctly.
| Based on that, all this talk of SDKs seems almost foolish. The iPhone may
| have more market share than Android today, but the standards-based Web has
| far more market share than both combined. So you tell me: If you're a
| developer, where's the smart money? The iPhone App Store? The Android SDK? Or
| somewhere else?


The iPhone Is Now Doomed

,----[ Quote ]
| I cannot claim to be a developer, but I have been watching the whole iPhone
| application development issues with interest. As of today’s news, it appears
| that the iPhone development process is like this:
|    1. Ask Apple for permission to make an application.
|    2. Sign a non-disclosure agreement.
|    3. Invest time and money into an iPhone application.
|    4. Ask Apple for permission to sell or give away your application.
|    5. If Apple says YES: start making money and hope Apple does not change
|       their minds.
|       If Apple says NO: shut up and deal with it. If you say anything, Apple
|       can sue you, further raising the wasted investment money.


Podcaster rejeceted because it duplicates iTunes functionality

,----[ Quote ]
| Today I finally got a reply from Apple about the status of Podcaster.
| Apple Rep says: Since Podcaster assists in the distribution of podcasts, it
| duplicates the functionality of the Podcast section of iTunes.
| That's right folks, it duplicates the functionality of the desktop version of
| iTunes.


As App Store banning continues, iPhone developers protest

,----[ Quote ]
| Developers have already voiced their concern over Apple’s unwritten rules of
| what can and cannot be sold through the App Store, but the situation has
| become even more dire with this most recent round of rejections. It's
| prompted some, such as Fraser Speirs, developer of iPhone Flickr browser
| Exposure, to say that they’ll cease developing for the platform until Apple
| clarifies the rules.


Apple Takes the "Tris" Out of iPhone Tetris

,----[ Quote ]
| Now a student named Noah Witherspoon that created an iPhone Tetris knock-off
| called simply "Tris," has been threatened with legal action by The Tetris
| Company. In what he refers to as "petty bullying," the company had Apple
| contact Witherspoon and had him pull the game from the iTunes App Store.
| Apple even told him that they'd take action themselves if he didn't comply.


Hackintosh maker bites back at Apple

,----[ Quote ]
| Psystar, the company that sells open systems capable of running Mac OS X,
| plans to fight back against the copyright infringement lawsuit Apple has
| filed against it.
| The Miami-based firm said during a press conference this afternoon it plans
| to challenge Apple's long-standing licensing ban on running the Mac operating
| system on non-Apple branded devices.


Apple rapped for iPhone ad

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple stated that though the iPhone supported open standards, Java and Flash
| were not open-source and required a plug-in to make them work, even using a
| desktop computer.


OpenClip, she is dead

,----[ Quote ]
| For those of you who do not remember - or do not care to remember - OpenClip
| was supposed to be an open framework for implementing the Cocoa NSPasteboard
| functionality to the iPhone. While I’m thinking that if Apple wanted to
| implement copy/paste into the iPhone they would have done it already or will
| do it soon, OpenClip was a noble effort to work around the limitations of OS
| X on the iPhone.


Steve Jobs's Obituary, As Run By Bloomberg

,----[ Quote ]
| The Bloomberg financial newswire decided to update its 17-page Steve Jobs
| obituary today — and inadvertently published it in the process. Some
| investors were undoubtedly rattled to see, as our tipster did late this
| afternoon, the Apple CEO's obit cross the wire and then suddenly disappear.
| Jobs's battle with pancreatic cancer, and speculation over his health, jarred
| Wall Street earlier this year and continues to be the subject of speculation.
| The Times weighed in on the matter as recently as last month, when columnist
| Joe Nocera spoke with the secretive tech executive. But news organizations
| routinely prepare obituaries in advance, even for the healthy.


Why does Apple Always Seem to Get a Break???

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux. This is the only platform that is not a prison. You are really free
| with Linux. People are congregating at will, building creative new
| structures. Yeah – maybe it isn’t as pretty as the luxury hotel prison that
| is Apple, but at least we are free. In the end it isn’t prison walls that win
| in technology. CompuServe and AOL were beaten by the internet. Centrally
| controlled mainframes were killed by the PC. Over time the best technology
| comes from innovation in unexpected places and while we are occasionally
| wooed by the pretty sounds of “You’ve Got Mail” or the stunning design of a
| new iPhone; we have all seen this movie before and know how it ends.


Steve Jobs thinks he is disabled

,----[ Quote ]
| APPLE MESSIAH Steve Jobs has been a bit sick lately but according to US
| gossip reports it could be a lot worse than anyone thought.
| The sultan of smug has been seen parking his motor in a disabled carparks in
| Palo-Alto much to the horror of Apple fans who believe him to be capable of
| healing the sick with his beautiful entertainment toys.



Apple's Jobs brushes aside backdating concerns

,----[ Quote ]
| After presiding over a 50 percent rise in Apple's stock over the
| past year, CEO Steve Jobs can afford to shrug off shareholder
| questions about stock option backdating and environmental policies.


Apple board backs Jobs against ex-CFO allegations shock

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple's Board of Directors is backing CEO Steve Jobs after former
| CFO Fred Anderson accused Jobs approving the company's stock
| option backdating. Anderson settled civil charges against him
| Tuesday without admitting any guilt, but agreeing to pay back
| approximately $3.5m to make up for personal gains in the scandal.


Options troubles aren't over for Apple

,----[ Quote ]
| But one of the accused -- former Chief Financial Officer Fred Anderson --
| pointed a finger at his former boss, Steve Jobs, raising new accusations
| that experts say could land Jobs in some legal hot water if true.
| [...]
| Gene Munster, a financial analyst at Piper Jaffray, said Anderson's
| accusations will fuel investors' worries over Jobs and his critical role in
| Apple's continued success.
| "It gives the appearance that, 'I had a partner in crime and it was Steve
| Jobs,'" Munster said.


Microsoft's past stock options practice poses questions

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft in 1999 announced that it would end a policy of awarding
| options at monthly lows and said it would take a $217 million charge,
| though many details of that discontinued practice haven't been widely
| known, The Wall Street Journal said Friday.
| Those details raise questions about how Microsoft began the practice,
| what prompted the company to end it and whether the way the options
| were dated--at 30-day lows the month after they were
| granted--influenced other companies, it said.


gal silences Hymn

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple has fired a cease and desist order against the developers behind the
| open-source Hymn Project.
| Hymn develops software that strips Apple's FairPlay digital rights management
| (DRM) technology from user's iTunes purchases, allowing music fans to play
| their music on devices other than those from Apple.  


Apple goes auntie over slasher comic

,----[ Quote ]
| the application because it breaches their SDK license, serving up content
| that "...in Apple's reasonable judgment may be found objectionable". The
| problem is that this restriction only applies to applications. Dodgy movies,
| episodes of South Park or even The Breakfast Club are perfectly acceptable
| iTunes content.


A Linux User's Perspective on the ITunes Store (and DRM in General)

,----[ Quote ]
| What if tomorrow you went to Best Buy or Walmart or Sam Goody and purchased a
| CD? What if, before you left the store, the salesman told you that although
| the CD was in all other respects a standard CD, that you could only play it
| if you owned a Pioneer or Sony stereo? Would that make any sense? Would it
| make you a bit hesitant about buying music from that store again?
| Well, if you purchase music or videos from the iTunes Store,
| [...]
| With content from the iTunes Store, however, users may find themselves a bit
| stuck if they ever want to make the switch to a more open computing platform,
| such as Linux. Because none of the DRM-restricted content from the iTunes
| Store will play on Linux. And it's all because that's how Apple wants it, to
| be honest, and not because of any technical limitation.


Apple's latest trick to enforce digital rights

,----[ Quote ]
| [...]
| With this version of iTunes, users were finding that music
| subjected to the old download-burn-rip would no longer
| load onto their iPods.


Apple failing to understand open source

,----[ Quote ]
| There is a cost for not being a good Open Source citizen and that
| cost is loss of goodwill in the community. That loss is more
| expensive in the long run than Apple realizes.


Mozilla exec calls Apple's Safari plan 'duopolistic'

,----[ Quote ]
| In the speech predicting how Apple would expand its market share, Jobs showed
| a slide with Safari dominating almost a quarter of the market--a market
| shared only with a single other browser, Internet Explorer.  
| Lilly says he doesn't believe that this was an omission or simplification,
| but instead an indication that Jobs is hoping to steal people who use Firefox
| and other smaller browsers in order to run a "duopoly" with Redmond.  


Researcher Blasts Apple for 'Negligent' Patching

,----[ Quote ]
| A researcher who went public last month with the first iPhone vulnerability
| says Apple's updating of the open-source components it uses in Mac OS X is
| inexcusable and negligent.  


Wozniak hates Open Sauce

,----[ Quote ]
| In an interview with eWeek, Woz said that there are always people who want
| things to be free and the open-source movement starts with those sort of
| people.  

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