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[News] [Rival] GNU/Linux Harms Microsoft's Profits (Dumping)

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Microsoft sales tumble from quarterly high

,----[ Quote ]
| Netbooks running Windows mean growth but relatively low income as they do not 
| run money spinning versions of Windows, like Windows Vista Premium Edition. 
| Microsoft said it was too early to say how much netbooks are cannibalizing 
| traditional sales.   


Dump, dump, dump. Meanwhile, Windows is down _further_ this quarter.


Mandriva unveils Linux for netbooks

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux publisher Mandriva has unveiled a version of its platform designed
| specifically for the new breed of mini laptops.
| Mandriva Mini is aimed primarily at vendors of so-called 'netbooks', and is
| customised for this category of small form factor device, Mandriva said.


Mandriva leaps into the netbook market with the GDium

,----[ Quote ]
| Lately it's hard to avoid the buzz about netbooks - the small, cheap laptop
| systems that were popularized by the Asus Eee PC (which, of course, Mandriva
| Linux 2008 Spring supports very well). Many in the community have asked if
| Mandriva is going to get directly involved in this market. Well, the answer
| is yes! Mandriva is providing the innovative operating system for the
| upcoming GDium netbook system, produced by Emtec.



Microsoft to limit capabilities of cheap laptops

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft plans to offer PC makers steep discounts on Windows XP Home Edition
| to encourage them to use that OS instead of Linux on ultra low-cost PCs
| (ULPCs). To be eligible, however, the PC vendors that make ULPCs must limit
| screen sizes to 10.2 inches and hard drives to 80G bytes, and they cannot
| offer touch-screen PCs.
| The program is outlined in confidential documents that Microsoft sent to PC
| makers last month, and which were obtained by IDG News Service. The goal
| apparently is to limit the hardware capabilities of ULPCs so that they don't
| eat into the market for mainstream PCs running Windows Vista, something both
| Microsoft and the PC vendors would want to avoid.
| [...]
| Microsoft notes that the OSes under consideration for the devices include
| Windows and Linux. Some PC makers have expressed a preference for Linux
| because it helps them keep down the cost of the devices.
| [...]
| By offering Windows XP Home Edition at bargain prices, Microsoft hopes to
| secure its place in the ULPC market and reduce the use of Linux, according to
| an official at one PC maker, who asked not to be identified because he was
| not authorized to discuss the program.
| "[Low-cost PC makers] have made some good inroads with open-source, and
| Microsoft wants to put a stop to it," the official said.
| The official did not seem opposed to the program. It should stimulate more
| competition between Windows and Linux in the ULPC market, and it could
| invigorate sales because consumers who want an easy-to-use PC are likely to
| prefer Windows, the official said.


Microsoft U-turn to stop Linux dominating ultra low cost PCs

,----[ Quote ]
| By offering Windows XP Home Edition at bargain prices, Microsoft hopes to
| secure its place in the ULPC market and reduce the use of Linux, according to
| an official at one PC maker, who asked not to be identified because he was
| not authorised to discuss the programme.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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