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[News] Big Surge in Python Interest Amid Economic Collapse

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Python Conference Changes Venue to Accommodate Growth

,----[ Quote ]
| In 2008, its first year in Chicago, PyCon stunned organizers by drawing over 
| 1000 attendees, up from 586 in 2007 and 410 in 2006. To avoid running out of 
| room in 2009, organizers have moved next year's conference to Chicago's Hyatt 
| Regency from the Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare, its 2008 venue.   



Python 3.0 makes a big break

,----[ Quote ]
| Typically, each new version of the Python programming language has been
| gentle on users, more or less maintaining backward compatibility with
| previous versions. But in 2000, when Python creator Guido van Rossum
| announced that he was embarking on a new version of Python, he did not sugar
| coat his plan: Version 3.0 would not be backward-compatible. Now that the
| first release candidate of Python 3.0 is out, with final release planned for
| later this month, developers must grapple with the issue of whether to
| maintain older code or modify it to use the new interpreter.


Python's New Release Bridges the Gap

,----[ Quote ]
| The open source Python programming language is on the verge a sweeping revamp
| in the form of version 3.0 of its platform -- a release will deviate in many
| ways from the current, mainline Python 2.x series.
| So how do you meet the needs of current 2.x Python developers while
| transitioning to the bleeding edge of Python 3.0 development? That's where
| the new Python 2.6 release comes into play.


Python for Unix and Linux System Administration

,----[ Quote ]
| All languages are tools: simply a means to get work done. They have value
| insofar as they help you get your job done better. So state Noah Gift and
| Jeremy Jones in Python for Unix and Linux System Administration (O'Reilly, US
| $49.99), adding, "We believe that Python is a valuable tool, specifically
| because it enables you to get your work done efficiently."


Jython Reborn

,----[ Quote ]
| Here's a fun game to play at your next developer cocktail party. If someone
| asks you what you're interested in, tell them "Jython." Inevitably, their
| response will be, "Jython is dead." Six months ago, I would have agreed, but
| with recent investment by Sun Microsystems, it appears that Jython is very
| much alive and ready to be used. I'll spend a little bit of time talking
| about some recent Jython history, and then compile the latest revision of
| Jython from source and play around with it a bit.


Sun hires two key Python developers

,----[ Quote ]
| Sun Microsystems Inc. is looking to bolster its position in the Python
| programming realm through the hiring of two prominent developers.


Python Fans Take Aim at the Enterprise

,----[ Quote ]
| After years in the shadows, the open source Python programming language is
| becoming increasingly mainstream. There are more users and more tools.
| Backers of Python now argue that Python is ready for the enterprise.
| [...]
| "Many businesses see the software development world in terms of Visual Basic,
| Java, and C/C++/C#. Some simply aren't aware of Python, yet, " Goodger
| argued. "Any competent programmer can easily learn Python and be productive
| within a few hours or days at most."


First Day of Python for my Vietnamese Students

,----[ Quote ]
| I chose Python over PHP and Java out of personal bias. Tracy Reed introduced
| Python and Plone to me nearly 3 years ago. I also chose Python since, unlike
| other programming languages, it is installed by default in both the LInux and
| BSD distributions (Perl is also installed by default). I also am quite
| impressed at how many LESS lines of code you need to do a simple program when
| compared to Perl/CGI and PHP, the two programming languages I learned in the
| past. The infamous Helloworld program only takes one line in Python alone!!!



Python upgrades readied for 2008

,----[ Quote ]
| Developers of the Python programming language are working concurrently on two
| upgrades to the core platform, both to arrive in 2008, representatives of
| Python said Wednesday.


Python Magazine Lives

,----[ Quote ]
| There are columnists, there are tech editors, there are authors. Articles
| have been commissioned. Logos and trademarks are in place. The design team is
| rocking, the contract team is rolling, and the emails are flying. In the
| background, the sound of constant typewriter activity can be heard, just like
| on those old newscasts from the old Cronkite days. Exciting times!


Python Enters KDE SVN with Guidance

,----[ Quote ]
| Guidance was originally developed for Mandrake Linux and is now
| used by default in Kubuntu. It is hoped that moving it to KDE
| Extragear will encourage testing and development on other
| distributions. Guidance requires PyKDE Extensions as well
| as the PyKDE bindings themselves.



One Laptop Per Child kicks off PyCON 2007

,----[ Quote ]
| Krstic himself mentioned only a little bit about the impact of 100
| million children being exposed to laptop computers and the internet,
| let alone a view source key inviting them to learn one of the most
| powerful free software oriented programming languages in one of the
| most powerful free software operating systems.


Python slithers to 'significant' release

,----[ Quote ]
| The open source community this week hailed the most significant update
| to Python in five years.
| Python 2.5 contains major improvements in reliability, performance
| and efficiency, according to release manager Anthony Baxter.

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