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[News] Plugins That Make Firefox a Winner; Development News

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25 essential Firefox add-ons for power users

,----[ Quote ]
| A bare copy of Firefox is a wonderful thing, but when you start stuffing it 
| with add-ons it gets even better. 


about:mozilla - Labs roadtrip, Geode, new PR blog, SUMO, SVG, Firefox 3.1 docs,
Ubiquity, MozAfterPaint, and more…

,----[ Quote ]
| In this issue…
|     * Mozilla Labs in Europe next week
|     * Introducing Geode
|     * New Mozilla public relations weblog
|     * SUMO: Article editor ideas wanted
|     * Firefox accessibility team needs your help
|     * SVG external document references
|     * Audio, Video, Geolocation, and Media queries documentation
|     * Help wanted: QA Companion Firefox add-on
|     * Ubiquity progress
|     * SUMO: Live Chat and community participation
|     * MozAfterPaint: new experimental API



CyberNotes: Top 10 Firefox Extensions to Impress Your Friends

,----[ Quote ]
| Firefox extensions are often lauded for the additional features and
| functionality that they bring to the browser. Some of them can save you crazy
| amounts of time, while others are more about beautifying Firefox. Here at
| CyberNet we typically try to focus on those extensions that can make you more
| productive, but today we’re going to flaunt what the developers have given
| us. That’s right, it’s time to tell your friends that your browser is better
| than theirs.


Firefox 3 is coming - is it everything we hoped for?

,----[ Quote ]
| While it can be said that there are no can't-live-without features included,
| the full package is a great improvement on Firefox 2. Mozilla have made a lot
| of changes and innovations to the application but it's unlikely that anything
| will strike the casual user and make him or her go "wow!". However, the speed
| of the browser and its handling of web applications could make it a winner
| and it looks like Mozilla has again raised the bar for Microsoft.


Mozilla: Firefox 3 beats IE7 and Opera in memory tests

,----[ Quote ]
| Work done to plug Firefox's memory leaks and reduce its RAM profile has paid
| off, two of Mozilla's engineers said Friday, as they claimed that the newest
| beta of their open-source browser uses less memory than rivals such as
| Internet Explorer and Opera.


Firefox 3 is Worth the Upgrade!

,----[ Quote
| Sure, Firefox is algorithmically beautiful. The sad truth though is that 99%
| of people don’t appreciate this. What is appreciated is what you see on the
| screen. And in this regard, Firefox 3 does not disappoint either. The best
| improvement made was the adoption of native program controls in both
| Firefox’s controls, and in actual websites. What does this mean? Take a look
| for yourself.    

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