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[News] DRM, Lock-in is Hurting Apple and Helping GNU/Linux

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Cory Doctorow—Linux Guru?

,----[ Quote ]
| DS: What’s the deal with your Linux switch? You used to be a Mac guy, right?
| CD: Yup, I mean, obviously, always Linux on the server, yeah, but I was 
| always Mac on the desktop for a long time, starting with Apple II Plusses in 
| 1979, and then Macs all my life—one or two a year minimum over the years.  
| DS: What prompted the switch, and what do you think so far?
| CD: Well, there are a couple things—the DRM stuff keeps getting worse and 
| worse. It seems like every time I turned around, Apple is doing something 
| with its OS to add more bullshit to it. More DRM, more controls on how users 
| use it....They’re anti-features. There’s no customer who woke up this morning 
| and said, “Gosh, I wish there was a way I could do less with my music this 
| morning—I hope there’s an iTunes update waiting for me.”     
| So, it just seemed to me, increasingly, that Apple wasn’t making computers to 
| suit my needs; they were making computers to suit the needs of some 
| theoretical entertainment giant. And, you know, I think that’s their business 
| if they want to do it, but they’re not a charity, so if they don’t want to  
| make the stuff I want to buy, I don’t have to buy it. Which is exactly what I 
| did—I stopped buying it.    


The downside of Apple lock-in: no matte screens

,----[ Quote ]
| The glossy-only screen highlights the problems consumers face when one vendor 
| controls everything. At least if there were Apple licensees, someone else 
| could solve that problem. And don't give me the story about after-market 
| screens. That defeats the design of the machine and they never works as well.   



A Linux User's Perspective on the ITunes Store (and DRM in General)

,----[ Quote ]
| What if tomorrow you went to Best Buy or Walmart or Sam Goody and purchased a
| CD? What if, before you left the store, the salesman told you that although
| the CD was in all other respects a standard CD, that you could only play it
| if you owned a Pioneer or Sony stereo? Would that make any sense? Would it
| make you a bit hesitant about buying music from that store again?    
| Well, if you purchase music or videos from the iTunes Store,
| [...]
| With content from the iTunes Store, however, users may find themselves a bit
| stuck if they ever want to make the switch to a more open computing platform,
| such as Linux. Because none of the DRM-restricted content from the iTunes
| Store will play on Linux. And it's all because that's how Apple wants it, to
| be honest, and not because of any technical limitation.    


Apple's latest trick to enforce digital rights

,----[ Quote ]
| [...]
| With this version of iTunes, users were finding that music
| subjected to the old download-burn-rip would no longer
| load onto their iPods.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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