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[News] SourceForge.net Starts Hosted Free/Open Source Applications

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SourceForge.net Launches Hosted Apps

,----[ Quote ]
| SourceForge, Inc. (NASDAQ: LNUX), the leader in community-driven content and 
| media, has announced the launch of Hosted Apps, a new service for developers  
| that provides instant, virtualized access to popular open source 
| applications. SourceForge will centrally manage the infrastructure and 
| security of Hosted Apps, allowing developers to innovate freely without being 
| distracted by the maintenance of their project's infrastructure.    
| The inaugural application lineup contains three of the most widely used 
| applications within the SourceForge community: phpBB (forum software), 
| MediaWiki (the wiki platform that powers Wikipedia), and LimeSurvey (an 
| online survey tool). Because the Hosted Apps platform allows SourceForge.net 
| to easily add support for a wide variety of third-party open source 
| applications, more applications are scheduled for deployment over the coming 
| months.       


SourceForge turns to virtualization for hosted apps

,----[ Quote ]
| SourceForge is trying to get development and collaboration tools in the hands 
| of their users more quickly these days. They are announcing on Monday a new 
| service for developers that provides fast, virtualized access to popular 
| open-source apps. This is not a perfect solution, but a good quick way to 
| answer some developer needs.    



Interview With The SourceForge Community Manager

,----[ Quote ]
| SourceForge is one of the most important entities in the Open Source
| movement. They manage the geek mecca of slashdot, sell geek paraphernalia
| that makes all our dreams come true at thinkgeek, manage Freshmeat the mega
| app hub, and administer over 170,000 Open Source projects at SourceForge.


Sourceforge.net Blocked In Mainland China

,----[ Quote ]
| "SourceForge, the world's largest development and download repository of Open
| Source code and applications, appears to be blocked in Mainland China. The
| current blocking may be related to the recent anti-China protests of Beijing
| Olympic Games, which will begin on 8 August. Some days before, a very popular
| free source code editor in SourceForge named Notepad++ start to boycott
| Beijing 2008. The project's developer said that the action is not against
| Chinese people, but against Chinese government's repression against Tibetan
| unrest earlier in this year. SF.net has once been banned by China in 2002.
| However, the ban was lifted later in 2003."



Cashing in on open source projects the eBay way

,----[ Quote ]
| Whenever I see a press release that includes words such as monetize, world's
| largest and unique position I have to admit I get a sudden urge to reach for
| the delete key. However, on this occasion I decided to read on simple because
| it came from the direction of SourceForge.net and concerned the opportunity
| to monetize open source software. Not that I am 100% convinced that this is
| as close to the heart of the open source developer as some pundits believe.
| That said, if anyone can produce the necessary software alchemy then it has
| to be SourceForge.net, occupying as it does the lofty position of the world's
| largest web site for open source development and distribution.


Source(Forge) of Strength or Weakness?

,----[ Quote ]
| The launch of SourceForge.net Marketplace looks likely to exacerbate these
| issues, since it extends the reach of the site beyond code creation to code
| support, which could make it even more central to the way the entire open
| source ecosystem functions. Now may be a good time for the open source
| community to consider its dependence on SourceForge, and to find ways to
| reduce the threat that this represents.


Firms evaluate SourceForge marketplace

,----[ Quote ]
| According to Rudolph, the site gets 25 million unique visitors per month and
| houses about 160,000 global open source projects.


SourceForge adopts eBay-like sales model for open-source software

,----[ Quote ]
| One question that people who don't know how open-source businesses work
| is: "How do you make money from open-source software?" SourceForge.net has a
| new answer to that question: sell services and support to customers using an
| eBay-like market.


SourceForge heads from one-stop shop to Mega-market

,----[ Quote ]
| Looking for an open source developer? SourceForge to launch new open source
| services marketplace


The SourceForge Story

,----[ Quote ]
| It was the fall of 1999 and there was a fever in the air. The dotcom frenzy
| was in full bonanza, it was gonzo, and it was going to last forever.


Open Source Community Honors Its Best and Brightest

,----[ Quote ]
| The second annual SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards build on the
| resounding community interest and success of the inaugural awards.


Sourceforge adds wiki functionality

,----[ Quote ]
| SourceForge has teamed-up with Wikispaces to integrate wikis
| directly into SourceForge.net, in what is believed to be the
| most extensive deployment of wikis to the open source
| development community.


CollabNet acquires SourceForge from VA Software

,----[ Quote ]
| CollabNet has acquired SourceForge Enterprise Edition (SFEE) from
| VA Software, adding to its range of collaborative software
| development tools.


SourceForge plans to launch open-source marketplace

,----[ Quote ]
| In the summer SourceForge, which with 140,000 of them is the world's
| largest hoster of open-source projects, intends to launch a
| marketplace for open-source-related services.


Krugle powers SourceForge search

,----[ Quote ]
| SourceForge hopes to make it easier for developers to find
| existing open-source projects through an agreement with
| Krugle Inc. that boosts the search capabilities on SourceForge.net.


IBM Ditches Sourceforge For Apache

,----[ Quote ]
| "Open-source has significantly increased willingness for
| universities, research institutions, government and life-sciences
| to adapt UIMA," Ferrucci told internetnews.com.

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