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Re: [News] In Praise of X Server in GNU/Linux

Verily I say unto thee, that JEDIDIAH spake thusly:
> On 2008-10-13, Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 02:51:27 +0100, Homer wrote:

>>> When any of those five binary blobs called "The Registry" are 
>>> damaged then you're screwed, because they're the only repository 
>>> for all your configurations
>> You might want to bring yourself up to this century.  I've never 
>> even *HEARD* of a registry corruption since XP SP1, some 6 years 
>> ago, other than

Did SP1 make XP immune to power cuts, Ewik?

> ...then mebbe you should get out more often and stop pretending you 
> know something about 3D programming.

Or filesystems, even.


| "At the time, I thought C was the most elegant language and Java
|  the most practical one. That point of view lasted for maybe two
|  weeks after initial exposure to Lisp."   ~ Constantine Vetoshev

Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) on sky, running kernel
 21:25:04 up 3 days,  6:20,  2 users,  load average: 0.04, 0.04, 0.06

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