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[News] Newbie Looks at GNU/Linux Distributions, Settles on Mint

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Quick Reviews: Linux, a n00b's POV

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux Mint:
| This is my favorite Linux distro and the one I dual boot on my desktop. It is 
| based on Ubuntu, so it is Gnome(damn gnomes!), and is not that impressive at 
| first glance. However like PCLinuxOS everything I needed in regard to 
| Multimedia was there out of the box, as was Open Office. It is easy to 
| navigate and with the Mint Installer downloading and installing packages is a 
| snap. I had no problems regardless of the machine I installed it on and 
| setting up the network was no problem. It is a little easier to navigate than 
| Ubuntu, which is nice for new users.       


Linux Rooted in Fiction: ParanoidLinux

,----[ Quote ]
| These applications all pre-configured and packaged in a distribution seem a 
| fine idea -- in a novel. In a real life situation requiring a "ParanoidLinux" 
| type operating system, there are more points of failure than any one author's 
| imagination can conjure. That's why the community -- not of any one 
| application, or any one distribution -- the entire community -- is needed to 
| watch, maintain, and develop these projects.     



Confessions of a Linux newbie

,----[ Quote ]
| This year my one-and-only New Year's resolution was to begin the transition 
| to open-source software in general and Linux in particular. I thought I was 
| just setting out to learn a new operating system. In fact, I was entering an 
| entirely new world of computing.   


Doin' it for the Noob...

,----[ Quote ]
| As much as I sincerely dislike the term "noob", I will use it here. Not in a 
| derogatory fashion but just as an attention-getter in the title. Besides, 
| there are so many rhyming possibilities.  
| Here is what I want to do. I am going to present "The Noobie Desktop". This 
| is, with room for generous variation, the basic desktop I present our new 
| Linux Users upon initial install and during our Linux Labs. Let's take a few 
| minutes and kick the tires, slam the doors...even take it for a spin. Then we 
| can get to the real value of my blog.    

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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