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Re: Linux loonies build a nym army.

On Wed, 08 Oct 2008 20:09:30 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> ____/ William Poaster on Wednesday 08 October 2008 17:41 : \____
>> On Wed, 08 Oct 2008 11:55:39 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Andrew Halliwell belched out
>>>   this bit o' wisdom:
>>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> He did a selective snipping work to present this out of context and
>>>>> daemonise.
>>>> Of course he did. We wouldn't expect any different from the likes of
>>>> hardon.
>>> I wonder who Hadron's buddy was who sent him the revelatory e-mail.
>>> And why that person considered Hadron to be someone with a
>>> "need-to-know".
>>> Could it be that Hadron is part of a "cabal" even more sinister than the
>>> Linux "cabal"?  Could it be that Hadron has his own "master" for whom he
>>> is a "lap dog"?  Or is Hadron actually in the "master" hierarchy, with
>>> his own "minions" and "lap dogs" "feeding" him "doggie-drops" of
>>> "intelligence", which Hadron then feeds to his "master"?  And where does
>>> "Moshe" fit in the "hierarchy"?  Did "he" send Hadron this mysterious
>>> e-mail, with a "command" to "forward it to COLA"?  "We must neutralize
>>> this Roy Schestowitz... persona ... and render him ineffective, perhaps
>>> even turn him to our purpose.   Muuuuuah-ha-ha-ha-ha."
>>> <laughing>
>> Maybe the thread should be retitled: Hardon Quack & his loony email army! ;-)
> There is a Microsoft consultant who goes by the name 'cj' and always lurks in
> the IRC channel. He's trying to do the "let's engage in a conversation"
> routine and informs other people in the world of Mono and Microsoft('s open
> source hijack) what's happening, based on his actions. 

Yes, I know about the 'cj' shill.

> Microsoft has an extensive network of that type of s*it.
> Brcve Perens, a few days ago:
> http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=985543&cid=25267133
>     "[J]ust about every PR firm offers to help “manage the perception of your
> company in online communities” these days. What do you think that means?
> Astroturfing Slashdot, Youtube, etc. In my various manangement positions it’s
> been offered to me. Indeed, some of the companies offer to create negative
> publicity for your competition that way - HP had a publicity firm for its
> Linux activities that told us it would do that when we wanted. I never asked
> them to do so and hope nobody else did either.
>     This stuff is just standard these days. You’ve got to expect it."
> He also wrote:
> http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=985543&cid=25256649
>     I think mostly they’d like to dilute “Open Source” to mean any code with
> source code. This is important to them because it’s the rights connected to
> Open Source that scare Microsoft (and others). If you can call it Open Source
> when there isn’t even the right to compile the code, or to use the information
> you get from reading it, customers don’t have a reason to ask for it any
> longer.
>     Their publicity agencies are here on Slashdot pumping that angle every day. 
> Just KF the Microsoft shills. They are a waste of time, they should be in jail,
> but they only commit a crime if they operate from the EU, if I understand the
> new law correctly.

I believe that is correct.

> - -- 
>                 ~~ Best of wishes
> Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "These characters were randomly picked"
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