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[News] ODF in KDE4/KOffice (Default Format)

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KWord: ODF Lists

,----[ Quote ]
| It's been a long busy month. With the impending 2.0 release, I have been 
| hacking away polishing up ODF list support for KWord. 



KOffice 2.0 Beta1 Released

,----[ Quote ]
| KOffice uses the OpenDocument Format as its native format. This will
| guarantee interoperation with many other Office packages such as
| OpenOffice.org and MS Office. The KOffice team has representatives on the
| OASIS technical committee for ODF and has been a strong participant in the
| process of shaping ODF since its inception.


KOffice Releases 10th Alpha of KOffice 2.0

,----[ Quote ]
| The KOffice team, developers, students, packagers and bug reporters have
| prepared the final Alpha release of KOffice 2.0: KOffice 2.0 Alpha 10.
| KOffice will enter feature freeze in two weeks, so the next release will be
| the first Beta. And we are committed to releasing as many Beta's as is
| necessary before declaring Release Candidate status for KOffice 2.0.


KOffice Releases Ninth Alpha of KOffice 2.0

,----[ Quote ]
| The KOffice team announces the availability of the ninth alpha release of
| KOffice 2.0. With KDE4 becoming more stable by the week, KOffice development
| is picking up at a fast pace and developers who previously had trouble
| keeping up are now getting active again, leading to a much increased rate of
| commits for KOffice. Both the NLnet sponsored Girish Ramakrisnan, who is
| working on OpenDocument support, and the KOffice Google Summer of Code
| students are delivering solid work.


First look: KOffice 2.0 Alpha 8

,----[ Quote ]
| The good news for people new to KOffice is the integrated installer makes
| downloading and installing the required software a breeze, even on Windows.
| Linux users are well acquainted with downloading many packages at a time from
| the Internet in order to install software, but this experience is less
| frequent on Windows, where users tend to download a monolithic package or
| install software from a DVD.


KOffice 2.0 Alpha 8

,----[ Quote ]
| OpenDocument Improvements
| One of the highlights of this release is the work on saving and loading Open
| Document Format documents, especially for the text shape, thanks to the
| sponsoring of Girish Ramakrishnan by the Dutch NLNet organisation. Girish has
| added scores of tests to check for ODF compliancy.
| It is also worthy of note that now KOffice is able to load and save images in
| text and presentation documents. Shapes can now be animated and associated
| with events such as sounds.


KOffice 2.0 Alpha 7 Released

,----[ Quote ]
| This release is the first to see some results of the OpenDocument Format
| testsuite being imported into KOffice. The testsuite exists from a lot of
| little documents that each show one feature in ODF. Automated testing of
| loading those documents will allow developers to keep on working on the code
| without fear of breaking the already working code. This is known as
| regression testing.
| In this release already 23 tests are added into KOffice and the results are
| visible in much better loading of text documents in KWord. KWord is also one
| of the target applications for 2.0, and NLNet has sponsored a developer
| working on that application.


NLnet Gives KOffice a New Logo and Sponsors ODF development

,----[ Quote ]
| The Dutch NLnet foundation aims to financially support organisations and
| people that contribute to an open information society. Some time ago they
| decided to help KOffice in two exciting ways: to sponsor the design of a new
| logo for KOffice, with matching logo designs for all KOffice applications,
| and to sponsor Girish Ramakrishnan to improve the ODF support in KWord 2.0.
| The KOffice team is deeply grateful to NLnet for this support!

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