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[News] Microsoft-stuffed ISO Sinks to New Lows

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Opening Up ISO's Can of Worms

,----[ Quote ]
| The point is, the *entire process* should be out in the open: that's how we 
| do things in the 21st century, remember - the Internet, open source, Web 2.0, 
| that kind of stuff? You know, a collaborative endeavour that draws as widely 
| as possible on people who have relevant skills, whoever they may be? If the 
| ISO wants to cling to secret squirrel meetings with Terribly Important 
| Experts in closed rooms, that's its prerogative; but if it does, it can't 
| presume to be a modern global standards body with any credibility, and it 
| should make way for others to do the job.       
| A transparent process should be a badge of honour for the participants, since 
| no one can then impugn their actions, and a basic act of respect towards the 
| users of that standard, who are not made to feel like peasants receiving 
| grace as the holy ISO tablets are handed down from Mount Geneva.   
| Given the decidedly turbid process that has swirled around the 
| standardisation of OOXML, the need for some clarity is all the greater. The 
| idea of the ISO suing someone for doing what ought to be one of its primary 
| responsibilities, because it might result in a loss of “revenue” - as if the 
| whole point of the ISO and national standards bodies were to make money - is 
| sad in the extreme.      



ISO's Day of Shame

,----[ Quote ]
| Riiiight: so there was insufficient support among the technical boards for
| their dirty laundry to be aired in public. What a surprise. The fact that
| standards bodies representing the second- and fourth-most populous countries
| in the world were unhappy with the way the standardisation process was
| carried out doesn't matter, apparently.
| Time for a new international standards body, methinks....


ISO Fantasy

,----[ Quote ]
| What OOXML Is · The ISO process, brutal and corrupt as it was, has been
| covered to death by everyone. Its output, soon to be known as ISO/IEC 29500,
| differs from ECMA-376 in two ways. ¶
| [...]
| What Microsoft really wanted was that ISO stamp of approval to use as a
| marketing tool. And just like your mother told you, when they get what they
| want and have their way with you, they’re probably not gonna call you in the
| morning.


IBM May Quit Technology Standards Bodies

,----[ Quote ]
| The Armonk, N.Y.-based computer maker is expected to announce the review
| Tuesday, according to company officials. IBM has become frustrated by what it
| considers opaque processes and poor decision-making at some of the hundreds
| of bodies that set technical standards for everything from data-storage
| systems to programming languages, those officials said.


Not a standard debate

,----[ Quote ]
| First, IBM is threatening to leave organisations that set standards for
| software interoperability over concerns that their processes are not always
| transparent (the ostensible references are to the ISO and Microsoft).
| Second, according to sources close to the development, the Bureau of Indian
| Standards (BIS) — which met in New Delhi on the 22nd of this month — is
| reviewing the ISO transparency issue while simultaneously exploring alternate
| standards which emerge from bodies like the W3C and the Internet Engineering
| Task Force (IETF).


HypocrISO and beyond

,----[ Quote ]
| Standards war is fun and HypocrISO makes it fun. Not in all parts of the
| world resource battles are so harmless. The rejection of the HypocrISO
| appeals offers opportunities for another wave of appeals.
| [...]
| So let me give some points: What can be won through another ISO delay?
|     * more OOXML uncertainty
|     * ISO to expose itself even more and get ready for procedural reform
|     * keep the debate in the news


Detailed IEC Voting Results on OOXML Appeals

,----[ Quote ]
| As I reported yesterday, the OOXML appeals brought by Brazil, India, South
| Africa and Venezuela have been rejected by the Technical Management Board
| (TMB) and Standardization Management Board (SMB) of ISO and IEC,
| respectively.  I have now received the actual voting results for the IEC
| vote, and an indecipherable screenshot of the ISO votes.  I'll hope to add
| the ISO votes later on when I get more comprehensible information, but in the
| meantime, here are the IEC results.
| In each case, the questions included in the ballot were the same:
|     a) Not to process the appeal any further
|     b) To process one or more of the appeals, which would require setting up
|     of a conciliation panel


Computer experts stage street protest in Oslo against Microsoft document format
as standard

,----[ Quote ]
| OSLO, Norway: Roughly 60 data experts staged a rare and noisy street
| demonstration in downtown Oslo on Wednesday to protest the adoption of
| Microsoft Corp.'s document format as an international standard and against
| Norway voting for the move.
| [...]
| He claimed the committee ignored the advice of the vast majority of the
| Nordic nation's software experts, was pressured by Microsoft and
| displayed "scandalous behavior."


OOXML triggers demonstration in Norway: "Let's throw OOXML out of ISO"


Demonstration outside ISO conference

,----[ Quote ]
| Steve Pepper, the former Chairman of the Norwegian committee responsible for
| deciding the Norwegian vote on OOXML, is calling for a demonstration to take
| place outside the building where SC34, the ISO committee that has been landed
| with OOXML, is holding its spring plenary.
| The demonstration will take place outside Håndverkeren, Rosenkrantzgate 7,
| Oslo, Norway, on Wednesday April 9 at 12.00. Among the slogans are:
| * No to ISO approval of OOXML!
| * Defend the integrity of ISO!
| * Microsoft: Support ODF!
| * Ecma: Withdraw OOXML!
| * Norway must say no to OOXML!


Shenanigans Alleged on Road to OOXML Vote

,----[ Quote ]
| The events leading up to the ISO's decision on OOXML can best be described as
| strange.
| Take the case of KT 182, the Polish technical committee responsible for the
| OOXML standardization process, as described on Groklaw: Chairperson Elzbieta
| Andrukiewicz was instructed that KT 182 should abstain from voting if a
| consensus was not achieved. Well, it wasn't, and she said the members who
| were absent could vote by e-mail E-Mail Marketing Software - Free Trial.
| Click Here. -- but if they didn't vote, she'd take their non-response as a
| yes.
| Later, when presenting the results of the ballot resolution, she showed a
| slide that claimed 98 percent of the OOXML issues had been resolved during
| the KT 182 meeting.
| When reminded this wasn't true, and told that the author of the PowerPoint
| file was Paul Pesch, platform strategy manager at Microsoft Netherlands, she
| threatened to sue anyone who repeated the assertion that Pesch was the
| author.
| That slide had been shown at another meeting, and one of the Brazilian
| delegates had complained about it.

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